508 Results

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IFDB Top 100

by Pegbiter - 100 games
"An automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions and comments can be placed here...."

Games involving deception

by Fie - 3 games
"Deceiving a talking obstacle? Tricking a child? Fooling you? Besting me? Interactivity means that intentional decisions are made, and intentional decisions can be wrong. "

games i liked

by lil540 - 4 games

Text-based Interactive Fiction games recommendations from

by McGclock - 1 game
"This is a list of text-based IF’s that I and another user from itch.ioxSai or Bladed-Barbwire on Discord, made on, and I thought I’d share this here with you guys in case anyone is interested. All the credit goes to xSai for..."

Liminal Works

by Karona - 5 games
"What distinguishes these works is the feeling I get while playing them -- the pang of ephemeral beauty, the bittersweetness of nostalgia, or a sense of mystery. Most of these works were recommended to me by members of the Interactive..."

French Interactive Fictions played on streams

by Lilie Bagage - 37 games
"Fictions interactives francophones testées à plusieurs durant des sessions de streaming sur ma chaîne Twitch. French interactive fictions played during streaming sessions on my Twitch channel."

Top 10 Out-of-Fashion Classics

by Joey Jones - 10 games
"As per this forum thread, this is the list (as of 24th June 2024) of games that are among the top 100 wishlisted games on the forum, that are not among the top 100 rated, or appear in the IFDB 100 list. That is to say, classic games a..."

Emotionally resonant games

by shrimpylemons - 2 games
"A personal list. Games I find emotionally resonant, moving in some fashion. No true order. "

Favorite surreal games

by Tabitha / alyshkalia - 5 games
"Using my own personal definition of "surreal", which is less a definition and more a vibe that I know when I see."

Top games that made me feel

by Tabitha / alyshkalia - 9 games
"Personal list of the games I found most emotionally hard-hitting."

Free IF Playoffs

by OtisTDog - 64 games
"A fan-driven tournament held at between the 64 highest-rated games on IFDB as of June 7, 2024."

Good ass text adventures

by hecuba - 13 games

New walkthroughs for May 2024

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Friday, May 31, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Favourite games from 2023

by Max Fog - 11 games
"My favourite games made in 2023..."

IF for Japanese visual novel fans

by Kastel - 31 games
"A bunch of my friends into Japanese visual novels asked me repeatedly over the months about my IF recommendations. I should actually compile them instead of being lazy as usual..."

Now That’s What I Call Wordplay!

by vinceren - 6 games
"GOD i love word puzzles :D or, I liked The Phantom Tollbooth a LOT as a kid."

New walkthroughs for April 2024

by David Welbourn - 5 games
"On Monday and Tuesday, April 29 and 30, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new..."

Infocom (in personal favourite order)

by Max Fog - 24 games
"Order of my favourite Infocom games, top being favourite.These are only of those i have played."

My favourite games of all time

by Alyssia - 9 games

Eldritch Apprehension

by Walter Sandsquish - 12 games
"The weird environments, monstrosities, and existential dread of cosmic horror lend themselves to text, and so text-adventure games have played with the fear of the unknowable from the beginning of the genre. Here are some of the better..."

Murder Mysteries

by Walter Sandsquish - 14 games
"Text-adventure games ask players to solve puzzles, so asking them to also solve a murder mystery is quite common. Figure out who-done-it in the following games."

Uncle Rov's Beginner's Must-Plays.

by Rovarsson - 10 games

New walkthroughs for March 2024

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Friday, March 29, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Favorite Fours From Industrious Implementors, 1G

by Walter Sandsquish - 24 games
"Some I.F. writers write more than others. Here are my favorite four games from authors who've released at least half-a-dozen games to date. This list covers 1st-generation text-adventure implementors, who published the bulk of their work..."

Favorite Fours From Industrious Implementors, 2G

by Walter Sandsquish - 28 games
"Some I.F. writers write more than others. Here are my favorite four games from authors who've released at least half-a-dozen games to date. This list covers 2nd-generation text-adventure implementors, who published the bulk of their work..."

Dueling With Dragons

by Walter Sandsquish - 13 games
"Dragons are a favorite in fantastic fiction, but they don't get as much love in I.F. as they used to. So, here's a list of games that portray these mythological beasts."

Works of Wordplay

by Walter Sandsquish - 12 games
"Text-adventure games consist of little more than words, so some of them concern themselves with little more than wordplay. Here are a dozen of the better ones."

Noteworthy T2 Games [Formerly: Which Can't Be Played on the Web]

by Walter Sandsquish - 45 games
"This list was created because TADS 2 didn't have a Web-based 'terp for a long time. It's still here because these games, from long ago, are good enough to not be forgotten."

The Great Underground Empire

by Walter Sandsquish - 15 games
"Zork, the first commercially-successful adventure game, spawned a prequel, several sequels, and a slew of homages and pastiches, all of which were set in or around the whimsically-anachronistic land of swords-and-sorcery, the Great..."

Time Travelers

by Walter Sandsquish - 13 games
"Players get to travel back and forth through their player-characters' time-lines all the time by using UNDO, RESTART, and RESTORE. So, it's only fair that player-characters sometimes get to move back and forth through a time-line also...."

Book Club Game List

by Passerine - 26 games
"A list of games played by the Unnamed IF Book Club."

Neat games. Neat-o, even (for Cat)

by Cryptic Puffin - 10 games
"A list of mostly spooky or mystery games for my friend Catarina."

My favorite games

by Artran - 11 games
"I appreciate smaller, puzzle-less, or experimental games like Shade, howling dogs, Photopia, Toby's Nose, De Baron. However, it's the longer, well-implemented interactive fiction games that tend to leave a lasting impression on me. These..."

New walkthroughs for February 2024

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

2024 Alternative Top 25 (formerly 100)

by Denk - 25 games
"(Created 03-Feb-2024) This is a snapshot of the 25 games on IFDB with the highest average star rating, though excluding games with less than 5 ratings. The purpose is to allow for games with few ratings so people can check out the less..."

New walkthroughs for January 2024

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Favourite games published in 2023

by manonamora - 13 games
"Like the title indicates, below are games published in 2023 which I really enjoyed playing. There is no real order in this list. And I probably forgot some knowing me... (will update this at some point because I missed some big titles)"

New walkthroughs for December 2023

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Thursday, December 28, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Favourite games

by Max Fog - 20 games
"I use this list to remind myself what are good games and what to replay. Also, you guys might agree! (By the way, I can't see what I'm writing so I didn't describe the games fully!)"

games for beginners

by Spingly - 6 games
"work in progress collection games with built in hints and/or easier puzzles content in this list should be more or less suitable for most ages"

spingly's favourite games

by Spingly - 9 games
"not too difficult and/or with mechanics or storylines that i found compelling My comments aim to provide a brief summary with rough suitability ratings"

New walkthroughs for November 2023

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."


by ellisdex - 5 games


by snailmail - 4 games

New walkthroughs for October 2023

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Sunday, October 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Games that have been adapted into books, films and other works

by Strident - 7 games
"A list of text adventures and other IF that were later adapted by their authors into novels, films and other works besides traditional IF. "

Solid Favorites

by egostat - 18 games
"I was going to make an "All-time Favorites" list, but that's quite a burdensome title, so I decided to make a "Solid Favorites" list instead. To be honest, I made this entirely for myself since I'm so bad at keeping track of things, and..."

New walkthroughs for September 2023

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Friday, September 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

2023 Alternative Top 100

by Denk - 100 games
"(18sep2023) This is an alternative to other rating based lists with pros and cons in that it allows for games with fewer ratings (5 ratings required) to reach the top of the list which obviously makes their place on the list quite..."

2023 - Top 50 short list

by manonamora - 7 games
"Tentative list for the Top 50 IF of 2023 It will help me remember the games that really did an impact on me... bc I am terrible at remembering titles There is no ranking here. Also not complete. I will add more stuff before the deadline"

Heli's favourite games

by Heli N. - 16 games
"Inspired by manonamora's own idea, this list will contain my favourite games until now and will be updated in a regular basis."

Historical Game Recs

by Heli N. - 5 games
"The list is going to be updated with even more games as I play and review games I find from the IFDB archive."

High Fantasy Game Recs

by Heli N. - 4 games
"While I continue to play and review games here, I'll continue to update the list with more and more games that belong to this genre."

New walkthroughs for August 2023

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Agency Denied

by Tabitha / alyshkalia - 6 games

Social Anxiety Games

by Tabitha / alyshkalia - 5 games

IF Top 50 (2023)

by Edo - 20 games

Solvable systems

by Hellzon - 7 games
"Most puzzles in these games are about figuring out some in-game system."

Alien settings

by Hellzon - 5 games
"Games with interesting alien worlds, or strange protagonists."

Extremely Online Games

by autumnc - 20 games
"Games about being Extremely Online. Games that take place mostly on a simulated internet UI of some sort, games about online culture and relationships."

Friendly, puzzle-based games

by Perpetual Distractions - 2 games
"Being an "old school" IF player, I prefer the more traditional, puzzle-based games, though perhaps not the difficulty of them. With that in mind, here are some games that I think can be enjoyed by people with a similar taste in IF."

New walkthroughs for July 2023

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Friday, July 28, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Follow your nose!

by palindrome - 3 games
"Games that allow the player to investigate with more than just their eyes."

Laughter is the Best Medicine

by palindrome - 4 games
"A collection of games that aren't serious at all."

Games with Witty Wordplay

by palindrome - 2 games
"I love words! I wanted to make a list of interactive games with wordplay. Most of these are English; since it is my only language."

Works Consulted

by Drew Cook - 18 games
"I've decided to make a list of games that have influenced my writing, whether it be criticism or game development. I'll be adding to this over time. Comments and questions are welcome! There is no particular order or rating, no matter..."

Older Frankendrift compatible games

by Denk - 16 games
"Frankendrift was first published in 2021, which made Adrift 5 games playable on Mac and Linux and provides a lighter Runner for Windows as well, though without sound so far. So older Adrift 5 games may have been overlooked on those..."

To Play

by Ms. Woods - 3 games
"Games to be played."

Pick Up Again

by Ms. Woods - 1 game
"To be picked up again. Games paused, dropped, or put on hold."


by Ms. Woods - 2 games
"To be replayed."

Personal Favorites

by Ms. Woods - 3 games

New walkthroughs for June 2023

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Some of my Favorites, by SirIgnotus

by SirIgnotus - 5 games
"An ever expanding list of very good games I've come across."

Wholesome games

by Reeah - 4 games
"These are games that I find cute and/or wholesome. Games in no particular order."

New walkthroughs for May 2023

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Monday, May 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Best criminal investigations

by Denk - 12 games
"Usually whodunits but any criminal investigation fits on this list. These are my favorites."

My Personal Fave Twine Games

by doodlelogic - 13 games
"Just a list of Twine games that I rated 4 or 5 stars, in alphabetical order."

My Personal Fave Parser Games

by doodlelogic - 20 games
"Just a list of parser-based games that I rated 4 or 5 stars, in alphabetical order."

Finished Games

by lyda01 - 3 games

Rovarsson's Superlative Games

by Rovarsson - 25 games
"Only supercalifragilisticexpialidocious games on this list."

Games with great NPCs

by Reeah - 3 games
"Exactly what it says on the tin. These games include some of my favourite NPCs. Games are in no particular order."

My favourite games

by Reeah - 13 games
"These are some games that I have really enjoyed playing. If you are new to interactive fiction and don’t know where to begin, these are some games I have really liked and I think you will too. The games are in no particular order."

Twine games with free range of movement: A personal list

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 35 games
"Free range of movement means the gameplay has parser qualities without the parser part. It allows you to wander around and interact directly with objects or talk to characters in your environment. This list does NOT require games to have..."

New walkthroughs for April 2023

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

My Underrated Gems

by Lance Cirone - 5 games
"A few of my favorite IF games that just need more love. Some of these are particularly deep cuts, but they're all high quality and worth a playthrough."

Harlowe Games

by howe - 8 games
"All of these games have been made using Harlowe, and can easily be imported into your Twine platform where you can learn from them. To import a game from this list into your Twine platform: 1.) Click the link. 2.) Play the game. Note..."

New walkthroughs for March 2023

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."


by Juuves - 2 games
"Works that could very well be turned into ambient tracks."

Favorite IF Authors (represented by games)

by Denk - 14 games
"This list does not include authors, where I have only played one of their games. Thus great games such as Anchorhead and Blue Lacuna are currently not included."


by Juuves - 16 games

New walkthroughs for February 2023

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Saturday, February 25, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."


by Denk - 10 games
"There are many great games but only few games are in my opinion masterpieces. Here they are in reverse alphabetical order:"

My (19) January CASA/solutionarchive walkthroughs/contributions

by Andrew Schultz - 21 games
"This month I got back into contributing to CASA. Actually, I never seriously had before. I have a year's goal of getting to 150 points, or Dungeon Master. I tried to avoid duplicating David Welbourn's excellent work both by checking his..."

Benevolent Computers

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 10 games
"Sometimes it is the AI characters who leave the strongest impression whether they are the villain or your closest friend. This list will focus on the latter. This is a mix of AI PCs and NPCs. You either play as an AI with a noble purpose..."

New walkthroughs for January 2023

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Sunday, January 29, 2023, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

2020 Alternative Top 100

by Denk - 101 games
"(Created 24-Jul-2020) The purpose of this list is not to compete with the IFDB Top 100 but to provide an alternative view, which makes sense for some games. Philosophy: 1. If a game only has 5-star ratings, it is because the game hasn't..."

New walkthroughs for December 2022

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Friday, December 30, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

New walkthroughs for November 2022

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Monday, November 28, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Storybooks for young audiences

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 6 games
"There are already several polls about games for kids, but I wanted to narrow it down a bit. I noticed some recent high-quality games with artwork designed specifically for kids. It was the artwork part that caught my attention. Some have..."

Viv’s top 10 favourite IF games

by Vivienne Dunstan - 10 games
"This is a list of my top 10 favourite IF games, in chronological order of release. There are many other games that I think are fantastic, but this is trimming the list down to just my all time top 10, as of 2022. Note all the entries in..."

New walkthroughs for October 2022

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Sunday, October 30, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Games where you fix a broken spaceship

by MathBrush - 21 games
"A lot of games are about being in a broken spaceship and having to fix it. Here's a list! Some games don't really fit, or only have a few parts involving fixing a ship. I left a lot out where you woke up in a ship and then sabotaged it..."

New walkthroughs for September 2022

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, September 30, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Romances to make you swoon

by Shadowcutie - 17 games
"What is a Choose Your Own Adventure game without a little romance? Whether it is the main focus or simply runs along side an already great story, here are some games with wonderfully sweet and/or steamy romances. Note some of these..."

Parent protagonists

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 18 games
"Games where you play as characters with offspring."

New walkthroughs for August 2022

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Saturday, August 27, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Mars master list

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 12 games
"All about Mars. Does not need to take place on the surface of Mars. Games that take place under Mars' surface, orbiting Mars, on Mars' moons, or even just about traveling to Mars are included. Simply ones that add an interesting twist or..."

Twine games with gorgeous gradient backgrounds

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 12 games
"These are Twine games that make heavy use of gradient backgrounds. This excludes Twine games that use a variety of single colour backgrounds. Those too are wonderful but do not fit this list. There is something about a well-placed..."

My favourite games of all time

by Nomad - 11 games
"I like parser games with easy puzzles that play in a detailed game world. That's two completely different things: I love to dive into a game world, explore its locations, backgrounds, lores and laws, NPCs and their relations. And there..."

Wow, it's cold in here: Waking up in cryopods

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 8 games
"Stasis. Frozen solid. On ice. Cold sleep. In suspension. There are a handful of games out there that begin with the player in a cryopod (or other similar concept) at the start of the game, almost always on a spaceship. I could not find a..."

Individual teen PCs

by Kinetic Mouse Car - 22 games
"This list is not for games that are simply about teens. It is for games starring an individual teen PC (you know, 13-19). I made this list because it is interesting to interact with a story through the perspective of teenagers,..."


by skullofthemagdalene - 6 games
"games i've played just so i can keep track"

New walkthroughs for July 2022

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Monday, July 25, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

New walkthroughs for June 2022

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

New walkthroughs for May 2022

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Monday, May 30, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Games I've Designed Cover Art For

by J. J. Guest - 11 games
"As well as writing games, I enjoy making cover art for them. This list includes all the games I've designed the cover art for. The top four covers on the list are my favourites, and I'd like to do more in a similar vein. If you have a..."

New walkthroughs for April 2022

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Thursday, April 28, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

to play

by skullofthemagdalene - 11 games
"games i'd like to play at some point but haven't yet found the time"


by skullofthemagdalene - 3 games
"games i've loved"

New walkthroughs for March 2022

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Missing in action.

by Jade68 - 2 games
"I am "studying" the first years of the if, '70s and early 80's and I am going to list here the games we are searching and also which we are finding. F=found and listed in ifdb L=listed in ifdb but no link available f= found in other site..."

New walkthroughs for February 2022

by David Welbourn - 13 games
"On Friday, February 25, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

that claustrophobic feeling ... (cw claustrophobia)

by cgasquid - 6 games
"there's a certain kind of feeling in horror (or horror-tinged works in other genres). a feeling that i'm about to graphically describe, so if you suffer from real claustrophobia, consider this a content warning. it's that feeling that..."

Rather Old IFDB Games

by HoneySpeck - 35 games
"These are games that fit into the category of 'rather old', i.e. they were released before 1990."

5 beginner games for me to play.

by HoneySpeck - 5 games
"I have compiled a list of 5 games that seem interesting to me and have been described by the community as easy for a beginner to play. I must play these games before I play anything else this site has to offer."

Spanish gemical games by INCANUS

by Jade68 - 12 games
"Actually there are a few active hispanic authors. Incanus is one of them. He is a prolific author of simulacionist games subgenre what means you can interact with all around described in the game. His games has original themes and he..."

Oldest SPANISH IF titles (released before 2005)

by Jade68 - 18 games
"This list is a compendium of IF games founded in IFDB for the games released before 2005. "

Latest SPANISH IF titles

by Jade68 - 27 games
"I am creating this list where everyone can find the LATEST spanish games LISTED on IFDB. The purpose is only for accesibility of those games so there is some tags (castilian, spanish, español...) wrong assigned in most of the cases and..."

Find-all-the-rooms games

by mg51 - 5 games
"Usually short and contained, not particularly heavy on plot. But they definitely scratch a certain itch."

New walkthroughs for January 2022

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Need to finish

by almondmilk - 5 games
"Games I started at one point and never got around to completing."

Text Adventure Tuesdays

by hecuba - 13 games
"Doug and Julia dork it out."

Hypertext-like parser IF

by Ray Leandro - 9 games
"1. Doesn't use typical parser commands. 2. Difficult to port to a hypertext system like Twine 3. The keywords you can type are usually not hinted, or the keywords are not necessarily in the text. 4. No strict world model (or none at all)..."

Games for Sarah

by Jason Dockins - 9 games

New walkthroughs for December 2021

by David Welbourn - 17 games
"On Saturday, December 25, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."


by Cryptic Puffin - 9 games
"No time? No problem!"

Games with public source code

by OverThinking - 18 games
"This is more for my own reference than anything else, but these are games whose authors have made their source code public. Priority to I7 games and those with particularly interesting mechanics. Games are in alphabetical order."

Games to Try

by MacGhee - 18 games

Some of my favorites

by OverThinking - 29 games
"In alphabetical order"

Little Hidden Gems

by Cryptic Puffin - 9 games
"Sometimes it takes a lot of digging to find a nice, chill game to play when you feel like it, and sometimes you end up uncovering some really good, small games that don't really get the attention they deserve. So, here it is, a small..."

RPG-style interactive fiction

by mg51 - 5 games

New walkthroughs for November 2021

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Friday, November 26, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Best of Comedy

by Cryptic Puffin - 11 games
"IF comes in many packages, from sci-fi to fantasy to surrealistic, but it's my opinion that the best of them all come in the form of comedies; is there anything better than adventuring and laughing at the same time? The correct answer..."

My new walkthroughs for October 2021

by David Welbourn - 5 games
"On Friday October 29, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! (One walkthrough for one short story, Ibo, is not yet on IFDB; see walkthrough for Ibo.) Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons..."

Some of my favorite games

by G. Faregan - 9 games
"In alphabetical order."

Introducing a friend to IF

by KatherineTheCurst - 8 games
"This is a list I am making for a friend who has never played any IF before. I tried to include games that would be a good starting point for someone new to the format, but it also has a lot of personal favorites."

New walkthroughs for September 2021

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! (Plus a walkthrough for a game called Chipmonk not listed on IFDB yet.) Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon...."


by Jade68 - 6 games
"Lista de los mejores juegos en castellano. Aquí entran juegos basados en parser excepto los creados para ZX Spectrum que tienen su propia lista."

New walkthroughs for August 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below and at IFDB! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new..."

My new walkthroughs for July 2021

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Friday July 9, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for June 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Thursday June 24, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Games recommended

by Shadowkiss - 1 game

Games with cities

by Felix Pleșoianu - 5 games
"Because I like cities and they mean a lot to me."

mara's swag recommended list

by meadowmower - 11 games
"the hottest games I've played. in progress (I will make changes). all these games are special to me in one way or another. have fun besties :^)"

My new walkthroughs for May 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Friday May 28, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Danske teksteventyr

by Duffadash - 53 games
"This is a list of Danish Interactive Fiction and Text Adventure games. More titles can be found on the CASA Solution Archive. As a game preservationist I work with registering and collecting all Danish games..."

My new walkthroughs for April 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Tuesday April 27, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Games set in laboratories

by beecadee - 6 games
"I love the IF trope of exploring the mysterious, often abandoned or run-down research facility/lab. Here I'm collecting some of my favorite games within that genre. Listed in no particular order"

Medium Puzzles

by Fie - 8 games
"This is my attempt at creating a player's needs focused list of puzzles. Puzzle games at approximately the same difficulty will be grouped together, so that someone who plays one game on this list will be likely to enjoy other games on..."

Easy Puzzles

by Fie - 5 games
"This is my attempt at creating a player's needs focused list of puzzles. Puzzle games at approximately the same difficulty will be grouped together, so that someone who plays one game on this list will be likely to enjoy other games on..."

My new walkthroughs for March 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Friday March 26, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Bear Hardness

by Fivetenosdhotnvi - 1 game
"Its is a really hard game I tried playing but its an awesome game made by somebody else."

Games with lessons for aspiring IF authors

by Pinstripe - 6 games
"These are the games that, in my opinion, have the most to offer prospective authors of interactive fiction. As an experienced player but rookie author myself, I'll be relying on my own highly subjective criteria. Elements of IF these..."

My new walkthroughs for February 2021

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Friday February 26, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

My new walkthroughs for January 2021

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Friday January 29, 2021, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Ogre's Stories

by Ogre - 5 games
"A list of stories written by me, Ogre."

Interactive Fiction Competition Winners

by RichCheng - 31 games
"These are the games that won First Place honours in the IFComp each year."

The Endmaster Collection

by Perforation - 7 games
"Endmaster's best works"

Fun Stuff at ChooseYourStory

by Ogre - 5 games
"Just a list of some fun games from the ChooseYourStory site"

My new walkthroughs for December 2020

by David Welbourn - 10 games
"On Thursday December 24, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Best of each authoring system

by Denk - 30 games
"I intend to try the best games of each authoring system, so there will no doubt be many changes to this list in the future. So far, I think the following games are the best for each system I have tried: (games in alphabetic order) "

Inform 7 Standard Examples

by Shin - 6 games
"Back in the era of I7 Build 6G60, there used to be a page on which presented six games along with their source text. I think these still provide a useful introduction to the features and capabilities of Inform 7."

My new walkthroughs for November 2020

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Saturday November 28, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Rpg Games, mafia games, fantasy games, humor games

by NLE106 - 1 game
"rpg games art games"

citizinf's completion dates

by citizinf - 4 games
"There's nothing interesting here. I'm just keeping track of the dates when I finished games."

My new walkthroughs for October 2020

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"During the evening of Wednesday October 28, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new..."

Games I finished without hints.

by Rovarsson - 14 games
"It's better for the feeling of immersion when you're not reading a walkthrough while playing. These games are definitely solvable without hints. Some very friendly puzzlewise, some a tad harder."

My new walkthroughs for September 2020

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"During the morning of Monday September 28, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new..."

Keyword Parsers

by ImaginaryTalkingRabbit - 5 games
"[LIST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS] Parser games that use keyword input, for example a game where only the words in bold are usable commands. This often means eschewing the standard 'x cat' or 'get banana' style of gameplay. So instead of..."

Made me laugh an honest laugh.

by Rovarsson - 9 games
"Games that made me laugh sincerely at least once, during play or when thinking about them later."

Short Games for Beginners

by Kerzenwachs - 12 games

My new walkthroughs for August 2020

by David Welbourn - 13 games
"During the evening of Thursday August 27, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new..."

The Age of Exploration

by Walter Sandsquish - 12 games
"Adventure games typically involve a great deal of exploration, but few are set during the Age of Exploration. Nevertheless, here's a list of games which do explore the 15th through the 18th centuries."

See the Show

by Walter Sandsquish - 13 games
"If adventure games are a performance themselves, then it makes sense for some of them to also be about performers. So, here's a list of games involving performers and their venues."

Noteworthy Games Which Aren't Z-Code or TADS Bytecode

by Walter Sandsquish - 26 games
"So many text-adventure games have been written with some version of ZIL or Inform or TADS that we might forget other methods get used too. So, here is a list of noteworthy games which don't live on a Z-Machine or a TADS VM. By..."

My new walkthroughs for July 2020

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Tuesday July 28, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Crime and Heist games

by MathBrush - 26 games
"I've played a lot of these recently, so I'm making a list. A contrast to my Detective and Mystery games list and similar to my Espionage and Spy game list, where I put Spider and Web, for instance."

Great games in a mostly realistic setting

by MathBrush - 54 games
"These are games that for the most part don't contain magical elements or futuristic technology. This includes games where there might be magic or futuristic technology, but you don't know until the end. So several of these games do..."

Great games set in space

by MathBrush - 34 games
"My list for best sci-fi games has grown too large again, and so I'm splitting it off again. This list only includes games whose primary action is off-planet, or which feature exploring an unfamiliar planet, or which feature..."

Annotated list of best sci-fi games

by MathBrush - 33 games
"A few months ago, I thought, "There really aren't that many sci-fi IF games". Then I started going through old games I had played, and downlaoded TADS, and was shocked at how many great sci-fi games there are. This is a list of my..."

Recommended Games based on Design, Content, or Themes

by daelsepara - 4 games
"This is a list of games I would recommend based on their uniqueness and quality of the design and content."

Surprising Sentience

by Walter Sandsquish - 13 games
"Philosophers may wonder if people are the only ones who are rational and self-aware, but IF authors are certain we aren't. Here are some games where consciousness takes unexpected forms. "

My new walkthroughs for June 2020

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Friday June 26, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! (The walkthroughs for Bullhockey! and Under the Bed were published in May, but I'm adding them to this list because I didn't make a list in May..."


by zerogalaxy123 - 3 games


by zerogalaxy123 - 3 games

A timeline of some important games for authors

by MathBrush - 34 games
"This is a timeline of some highly influential games that were among the first to use specific techniques or which left a mark on future games. It leaves out games like Spellbreaker, Birdland, or Superluminal Vagrant Twin that were..."

Funniest games

by Denk - 14 games
"These games are not the best games, but the games that made me laugh the most. They may not be funny all the time but they contain one or more funny passages."

onebelatedbumblebee recommendations

by onebelatedbumblebee - 10 games

Replay and relax

by Felix Pleșoianu - 6 games
"Games that are always a pleasure to play again, not to solve puzzles but to enjoy the good memories."

My new walkthroughs for April 2020

by David Welbourn - 5 games
"On Wednesday April 29, 2020, I published some new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! One was paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My First Games

by Zoe Victoria - 8 games
"The first time I played a text adventure was on my braille note apex in elementary school. Some were easy, some were hard. Some I loved, and some not so much. No matter what my opinions are these games introduced me to something I'd..."

Medical games

by MathBrush - 16 games
"These are games that have a medical theme of some sort, including medical simulators, medical horror, and games featuring doctors. Feel free to suggest others! (Items 8-15 suggested by David Welbourn)"

My new walkthroughs for March 2020

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"Quite late on Sunday March 29, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs..."

Campus Capers

by Walter Sandsquish - 11 games
"Games set on the author's campus have the same reputation as games set at the author's home: Trite and clumsy. But, some college games have excelled ..."

My new walkthroughs for February 2020

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Thursday February 27, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

"Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces Infocom" CD Rom

by bgb1975 - 1 game
"Help! I'm a complete layman with this stuff - I have the old Activision CD ROM "Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces Infocom" and am trying to run the games using Gargoyle (downloaded onto my MacBook Pro). But I can't figure out how to do..."

Birthday Games

by jonprime - 2 games
"Interactive Fiction games about birthdays"

My new walkthroughs for January 2020

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Thursday January 30, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Personal favourites of a fledgling IF enthusiast

by Case - 6 games


by Paddythemic - 6 games

My new walkthroughs for December 2019

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Monday December 30, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Favorite IF with randomized combat

by Denk - 9 games
"All the games on this list use quite simple turn based combat, similar to "Leadlight" and "Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom" (both on this list). A few well known titles with randomized combat are not on this list, since I have not been..."

Games that drew me in.

by Rovarsson - 7 games
"This list is not a best of. Nor does it have a theme. I haven't even finished some of the games on it. (shame on me!) This is a list of the games that kept me coming back to Interactive Fiction, despite my newbie-obstacles. (unhelpful..."

Favorite Horror Games

by thecanvasrose - 12 games
"The horror IF that I most love and enjoy! (I generally prefer narrative over puzzles and scare-factor over narrative.) Ranked from least to most favorite. For a list of other horror games with good ratings, see my other horror games..."

More Recommended Horror Games

by thecanvasrose - 13 games
"A list of well-rated, reputable and interesting horror games not included in my favorite horror games list. For those looking to explore the genre in IF."

My new walkthroughs for November 2019

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Friday November 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

Parser games focused on a single action

by Sobol - 8 games

Favourite Games

by Isaac Buckley - 26 games

Nontraditional Parser, Gamebook, IF and Systems

by thecanvasrose - 23 games
"This list is based on a poll you can add votes to. I will update the list from time to time to reflect what's on the poll as I play the elected games and can write snippets about them. See here:"

My new walkthroughs for October 2019

by David Welbourn - 7 games
"On Tuesday October 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

QuaintHydra's Picks

by QuaintHydra - 4 games
"Games I enjoyed, in no particular order."

My Top Ten List

by MathBrush - 11 games
"This list is of my top 10 favorite games that I can also recommend to everyone. (Former items on this list included Anchorhead, Theatre, Rogue of the Multiverse and Eidolon)."

Ectocomp Games (All English Winners/Entries)

by thecanvasrose - 154 games
"A list I created for myself so I can play all of these games. Sorted by rank and year. English entries. I'll add descriptions and my own ratings (out of 5 stars) to the entries in this list as I go through them."

Favorite Weird/Surreal Games

by thecanvasrose - 17 games
"An ongoing list of bizarro, out of the box, quirky and 'who would ever think to make this' games which force one to question their own sanity, if just a little bit."

My new walkthroughs for September 2019

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Sunday September 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works..."

my favorite games!

by orchardorb - 4 games
"i'm semi-new to interactive fiction (started playing a little over a year ago off and on), and these are games i've experienced thusfar that i've loved. more to be added as i play them!"

My new walkthroughs for August 2019

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Friday August 30, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

1-room games

by Luihum - 4 games

My new walkthroughs for July 2019

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"Very late on Monday July 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for..."

Top 20 by 2019

by kala - 20 games
"I have followed the one work per author rule."

I Was A Teenage Adventure Gamer

by J. J. Guest - 18 games
"I grew up playing IF on the Acorn Electron, and later the BBC Master Compact. My aim here is to create a complete list of all the games that were in my collection back in the 8-bit era. It is not a Recommended List as such. Most of the..."

Atmosphere and gameplay I loved

by KathB - 5 games
"I'm not quite sure how to explain this list. These are games I loved playing because the atmosphere, structure, hinting and gameplay worked really well for my brain. In every case, once I finished I went searching for something similar."

My new walkthroughs for June 2019

by David Welbourn - 9 games
"On Friday June 28, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of interactive..."


by retired mosquito - 5 games

My new walkthroughs for May 2019

by David Welbourn - 13 games
"On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Best of ADRIFT 5

by Denk - 26 games
"The following games are in my opinion the best ADRIFT 5 games. The games I like most have been given the highest position, except for Larry Horsfield's games, which would have taken all places in top 5, if I had not distributed them..."

My new walkthroughs for April 2019

by David Welbourn - 8 games
"On Saturday, April 27, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Infocom Salvaged Adventures

by Tristano - 33 games
"List of the Infocom adventures that were recovered from the salvaged Infocom hard drive, and their source code was published on GitHub in April 2019 by Jason Scott for educational purposes and in an attempt to preserve them from..."

My new walkthroughs for March 2019

by David Welbourn - 18 games
"On Monday, March 26, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of interactive..."

Tested on qFrotz

by gblekkenhorst - 2 games
"Games that work (or at least open in qFrotz on the Kobo H201."

Kiyo's Favorites

by Kiyo - 17 games
"A list to keep track of my personal favorite IF games. Opinions on each forthcoming. "

My new walkthroughs for February 2019

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Museum educational games

by YuweiLin - 2 games
"These games were created by re-using materials released by the museums or galleries or libraries or local heritage services."

general stuff i dont want to lose

by Merrill - 12 games

My new walkthroughs for January 2019

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Tuesday, January 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for December 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, December 28, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for November 2018

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Friday, November 23, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Sci-fi Games

by AnnaKingston - 1 game
"Sci-fi/Dystopian Games"

Best of Quest

by Denk - 6 games
"There are lots of Quest games, some better than others. These are my favourites:"

My new walkthroughs for October 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, October 26, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for September 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, September 28, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

A starter pack for those new to interactive fiction

by MathBrush - 31 games
"I had a list like this before which I deleted, but I noticed it had a lot of views on intfiction, so I thought I'd make a new one to help people out. It has 10 web-based games, 10 parser games for beginners and 10 parser games of medium..."

My new walkthroughs for August 2018

by David Welbourn - 5 games
"On Thursday, August 30, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Sabrina's Recommended Reading

by ninethlion - 4 games

My new walkthroughs for July 2018

by David Welbourn - 23 games
"On Friday, July 6, 2018, I published several new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Many of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Cool games I like

by Seth Fisher - 8 games
"to be expanded"

lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis

by DAB - 5 games
"Please, add what you find/know to the corresponding poll. These are not all recommended for play, stress here is the list part of "Recommended List""


by Ivanr - 7 games
"This is a chronologically-ordered list of the games that are my personal favorites. These are the games that have stuck with me the way that a great movie or a great book does; a more restrictive criterion yet than my choice to give..."

Branching Narrative Structures

by ElliotM - 2 games
"A list sharing resource links and examples of branching narrative structures from some of the games I have played...."

Camp/"So Bad It's Good"

by Ivanr - 6 games
"It might seem strange that a video game, which relies on consistent and effortful coding in order to deliver any kind of experience, could be "so bad it's good" in the way that an Ed Wood movie is. But it can happen, as this list..."

Big, difficult games that I always return to.

by calindreams - 3 games
"Maybe I'm a masochist. I'm not very good at puzzles and I've got the attention span of a gnat. But for some reason I'm always drawn to big difficult games. I like games where you have a lot room to explore and you don't get stuck in one..."

Games with solutions

by macco3k - 1 game

Enduring Classics of Parser IF

by Ivanr - 9 games
"There are probably other lists like this, but this one is mine. Canonical/classic/highly-regarded works of (noncommercial, parser) IF that have stood the test of time -- i.e., that are at least fifteen years old (an arbitrary cutoff) as..."

Felicity Drake's favorite interactive fiction

by Felicity Drake - 9 games
"Personal favorites!"

Games for my friends

by Shchekotiki - 11 games

A Year on IFDB: The games that have stayed with me

by Spike - 12 games
"About a year ago I discovered post-AGT interactive fiction. Since then I've played a lot of great IF games. This list consists of the ones that have stuck with me the most. They're not necessarily the ones I rated the highest immediately..."

Twine stories

by Boris - 3 games
"Once you've published your work, consider adding it to the IFDB."

Recommended list

by DAB - 9 games


by Xuan Li - 4 games
"memorable stuff?"

Bronxsta’s favorites

by Bronxsta - 8 games
"My favorite games "

Simulation games

by SpesKnight - 17 games
"Games that simulate something, not just IF stories but kind of management games made with IF engines"

Opus Ignored: Big games that didn't take off

by MathBrush - 14 games
"It happens over and over: an author spends hundreds of hours on a game, often setting up a commercial company, and then releases it to almost total silence. This list contains such games, as well as other big games where the author was..."

Best of Level 9

by Denk - 7 games
"After Infocom and Magnetic scrolls, Level 9 is perhaps the best known IF company. Though their first games had a very primitive parser, their last games had very advanced parser similar to infocom. These are my favorites. If you can..."


by Xavid - 8 games
"a twine album by the Society of Narrativist Progenitors with apologies to They Might Be Giants and the People's Republic of Interactive Fiction (Twine games based on the track of the same name from the They Might Be Giants album..."

Games with mostly custom responses

by dutchmule - 4 games
"Here is a list of games in which most, if not all, of the default responses have been replaced by a custom response. There are prominent examples of such games, and they seem to be popular in the general audience, which could be..."

Surreal games on trains

by MathBrush - 16 games
"There is an unusually large amount of surreal games on trains (maybe from the Dark Tower?). Here are the ones I can find."

Spy games

by MathBrush - 22 games
"Games involving espionage, whether military or industrial. I've tried to put a few especially good games first, but the rest are in no particular order. This list includes games of excellent quality as well as games of lower quality."

Favourite games

by mirandamiranda - 2 games

Funny Games

by Ivanr - 6 games
"Okay, this is purely subjective, but since really successful comedy is so rare in IF I thought I'd collect what I consider to be the successes. Each of these is a game that made me grin. (To avoid killing any frogs, the commentary here..."

IF Arcade

by Ivanr - 5 games
"Graham Nelson once said that a text adventure is a "novel at war with a crossword puzzle". In some works, the novel wins, and in some the crossword wins. This is a list of games where both of them are trounced by the NES. In other words,..."

Stiffy Through The Ages

by Ivanr - 7 games
"One of the most enduring characters in interactive fiction is a guy named Stiffy. Stiffy Makane. A misogynistic, notoriously ill-coded three-room game from 1997 launched an enduring inside joke, and over the past 20 years the ribald id..."

Excellent IF Games With Unfair Puzzles

by Canalboy - 5 games
"A Selection Of Enjoyable IF That Contain(s) Ridiculous Puzzles. All the games mentioned are enjoyable to me and of a very high standard generally."

Games I've enjoyed

by Six31 - 8 games
"Games that I've found enjoyable, either because of their immersive environments, satisfying puzzles, or a combination of both. Games that I recommend to others who want to step into the world of interactive fiction."


by MÅNEMANN - 1 game
"It's the MOON list."


by Ilex - 1 game

Excellent Writing

by Ilex - 2 games

Lucid's Games

by Lucid - 6 games
"Lucid's Games"

Something Moving Under The Bed recommended IF

by Something Moving Under The Bed - 6 games

Doug's Top Ten of IF Comp 2015

by Doug Orleans - 10 games
"I played all 53 entries in IF Comp 2016. These were the top ten games on my ballot. Note that I rate games on slightly different criteria for the IF Comp than I do for IFDB; in particular, as per the Comp rules, I select my vote after..."

Doug's Top Ten of IF Comp 2016

by Doug Orleans - 10 games
"I played all but one of the 58 entries in IF Comp 2016 (I couldn't play Labyrinth of Loci because I don't have access to Windows or Mac OS). These were the top ten games on my ballot. Note that I rate games on slightly different criteria..."

Unusual input schemes

by Felix Pleșoianu - 5 games
"Nowadays most IF is either parser-based or else choice-based. But a few games occupy a space between the lines, so to speak. These are some examples."

vv's comfort food IF

by verityvirtue - 8 games
"Like it says on the tin. I hope these give you a measure of comfort as well."


by Xuan Li - 5 games

Favorites (well-built)

by Xuan Li - 14 games

Must-Play IF

by gettera - 4 games
"There are some games I think everyone should play--as I play through them, I'll add the best games here."

Games That Made Me Cry

by gobbldygook - 1 game
"I just recently started playing IF games, and have had a variety of experiences - this list collects the games I've played that moved me on a deeply emotional level. "

Games I Have Played

by Canis - 9 games
"Just so I can keep track of them."

Cute games

by MathBrush - 24 games
"These are games which are cute and/or sweet, in the sense that they are pleasant, relaxing, appropriate for children, or meant to warm your heart. This doesn't include absurdist games or more traditional fairy tales with strong elements..."

Games I consider to be excellent

by Packhandle Failure - 10 games
"I freakin' love these games, man"

Games what I like (for John)

by insufficient data - 20 games
"These are some games that I like! They tend to err on the side of puzzle-y vs pure story games, and on the more polite side of the cruelty scale. "

Favorite "atmosphere" games

by MathBrush - 46 games
"These are games that are fun because of the atmosphere and plot more than the puzzles. These games are not too hard and not too easy. They generally have a big over-arching theme. I have included most horror and comedy games in other..."

Historical Setting

by Teaspoon - 5 games
"Some good games with a historical setting. Will be added to as I go along. "

Games that Brought Me Back to IF

by BeingTheWriter - 4 games
"I was really into interactive fiction about five years ago. Getting my day job killed off my time to play, as well as the death of my laptop and good enough phone. But now I'm back thanks to an app on my phone. So these are the games I..."

Games for Cindy

by Matt Bates - 8 games
"Games that I would love to share with you."

"My apartment" games

by MathBrush - 18 games
"It's a trope in interactive fiction that first time author's tend to model their own home or apartment in detail as an experiment in programming. To see if this trope is true, I've created a list of 'my apartment' games. Because in most..."

Twine SFX 2015

by verityvirtue - 4 games
"Twines released in 2015 which use interesting effects (which I, er, want to use as well. Yes.). Suggestions welcome."

TV, Film, Music and Theatre related games

by MathBrush - 21 games
"This is a collection of games that are related to the film, tv, music or theatre industries, without regard to quality."

A Doll's House

by verityvirtue - 7 games
"Games which feature female protagonists who mature through the progress of the game."

Combinatorial Explosion

by verityvirtue - 3 games
"Combinatorial explosion is a name fitting for a band, or a game about chemistry, but, according to mama Wikipedia, it refers to "the effect of functions that grow very rapidly as a result of combinatorial considerations". There you have..."

Vinesauce's Joel Might Love These Games

by TheVoid - 5 games
"Games Joel, aka Vargskelethor on Twitch, would likely enjoy playing for a "text Adventure Madness" stream"

Games that I couldn't put down

by MathBrush - 35 games
"These are games that for some reason or over I just couldn't stop playing and thinking about. There are no specific reasons given. These aren't necessarily my favorite games; one reason they are pageturner is that the pacing is good and..."

Cat simulators

by verityvirtue - 7 games
"Games in which the PC is a cat, or which revolve closely around a particular cat. Generally pleasant games. I have thought about whether I should include Taghairm, but... well. "

Thoughtful Games

by ToALonelyPeace - 4 games
"provoking, intriguing games I have played"

Apollo 18+20

by Teaspoon - 38 games
"Interactive fiction games, with one game per track on the album Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants. The regular tracks are generally short games. The Fingertips tracks are one-move games (however the authors interpreted that). The games..."

British setting

by Teaspoon - 5 games
"Good games in a British setting. "

Games about interactive fiction itself

by MathBrush - 31 games
"This is hopefully my last list. These are games that comment on the nature of interactive fiction or the interactive fiction community itself. The quality of these games varies wildly, and this list doesn't attempt to sort by quality...."

Games set in hell

by verityvirtue - 6 games
"Games in which a major setting is hell, the underworld, Hades or some variation thereof. Omissions likely because I haven't played the game, and, as always, suggestions are welcome."

Silly/goofy/purposely bad games

by MathBrush - 9 games
"These are games that are funny because they are ridiculous or completely absurd. This does not include games like Tex Bonaventure or Rogue of the Multiverse which have developed plot lines and long stretches of non absurdity."

Games that made me smile

by MathBrush - 48 games
"I wanted to do a list of comedy games, but I think people rarely think "I want to play a comedy game"; to me, the phrase brings up some kind of jokey, goofy game, like many of the poorly made Twine games that people make now. Instead,..."

Time travel games

by MathBrush - 25 games
"These are games where the main puzzles are centered on time travel. I'm splitting this off from my science fiction list. Many games include one or two time travel puzzles, such as Spellbreaker or Curses!. But this list is for games whose..."

Detective and mystery games

by MathBrush - 52 games
"These are games where you play a detective or someone else investigating a mystery. Most of them are realistic games which I am splitting off of my realistic list. Some are more magical or science fi-ish."

Games made with Twine 2/Harlowe

by prof_yaffle - 6 games
"A list of games which were made in version 2 of Twine using the Harlowe story format. Useful for people who are learning Harlowe and want to find games to learn from."

Zorkian fantasy games

by MathBrush - 29 games
"My best fantasy games list is getting too long, so I decided to branch off a list of all Zorkian fantasy games. These are games that have a vague fantasy setting where anachronisms or inconsistencies are allowed, the game is goofy or..."

Best fantasy games

by MathBrush - 68 games
"These are my favorite games that include some sort of magical or fantastical element. Games with mostly horror or sci-fi elements are on other lists, as are surreal games, fairy tale/nursery games, and religious/mythological games. I've..."

Winter Wastelands

by verityvirtue - 13 games
"Games set in the Arctic, Antarctic, or any other cold wilderness. Preferably with the isolation and harsh environment featuring prominently. Suggestions welcome. (Sorting is random, but games I have played come higher up)"

personal favorites from 2015

by Anya Johanna DeNiro - 9 games
"These are probably idiosyncratic, and I haven't hit nearly everything I probably ought to have. While I play catch up I'll hope to add to this list a bit as well. Also, there are a few IF works that are not yet in IFDB that deserve..."

The People's Revolutionary Game List

by verityvirtue - 6 games
"Games set in dystopias inspired by the Soviet Union. Often involves bureaucracy, wrongful imprisonment and revolution. Suggestions welcome."

A timeline of Lovecraftian horror

by MathBrush - 19 games
"Lovecraftian games are oddly overrepresented in IF, both among IF in general, and among great IF games. They seem to be a good fit for the exploratory form of parser IF. Most of these games hit up all of the big-ticket Lovecraft items:..."


by Lugee - 1 game

Best fairytale/nursery rhyme games

by MathBrush - 24 games
"A selection of fairy tale games, nursery rhyme games, or games involving the Fair Folk. "

Best superhero games

by MathBrush - 26 games
"These are games featuring superheros, with my thoughts on them. I haven't tried the Frenetic Five games yet."

Favorite wordplay/puzzle/code games

by MathBrush - 23 games
"Games whose main 'genre' is wordplay. This list does not include games like the Edifice or Suveh Nux which have significant wordplay elements, but which are not the focus of the story."

Great religious and mythological games

by MathBrush - 26 games
"My "Best Fantasy" list was growing too big, so I'm splitting off the religious, mythological, and afterlife games. Some games like Curses! have a lot of religious and mythological references, but this list focuses on games where it's the..."

Most unusual games

by MathBrush - 50 games
"These are games that are very different than most games on IFDB. Some games that are exceptional in execution (like Counterfeit Monkey) are derived from concepts that are similar to other games (like Andrew Schultz's or Ad Verbum). This..."

Surreal/trippy/metaphor/mind's journey, with two worlds

by MathBrush - 37 games
"There is a big genre of games where you explore a metaphorical region of dreams or symbolism, and which has meaning in the 'real world'. I love this genre, and these are my favorite examples of the genre. I only include games where there..."

Great "lunchtime length" games

by MathBrush - 44 games
"These are games that can generally be completed in 30 minutes or less. Some can be completed much faster. Included in this list are games that have multiple endings that can individually be reached quickly. It also includes several Twiny..."

First Loves

by medievalfunk - 2 games

Forgotten Treasures of IFDB

by MathBrush - 33 games
"These are games that are great, either in my opinion or in many others, but which have been forgotten. By forgotten, I mean it satisfies the following: 1. Not an IfComp or XYZZY Best Game winner, 2. Not in Best 50 Interactive Fiction..."

Technically advanced IFs

by doppioslash - 3 games
"IFs that use bleeding edge programming techniques to generate the story/writing"

Romantiscience personal picks

by romantiscience - 1 game


by mjhayes - 3 games
"Some files were created as references to other IF at the time, or even as educational interactive tutorials. Here they get their own obscure place in the spotlight."


by mjhayes - 3 games
"In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, some games were so bad that somebody decided to come along and spoof them. Not all of them work on all interpreters, but it's good to play through each one for a few laughs."

Multiple Choice

by mjhayes - 4 games
"IF pieces that use a "multiple choice" interface rather than a full parser. Might be as interactive as a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but can be thought-provoking all the same."

RPG Games

by mjhayes - 4 games
"IF that integrates common elements of role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons"

Abuses of the IF engine

by mjhayes - 21 games
"Although various interpreters were written to facilitate play and creation of interactive stories, it should be obvious that some people would find ways to write computer games using the various aspects of the interpreters."

Puzzle-less IF

by mjhayes - 3 games
"Interactive stories without the puzzles. Most of them are short, and morbid as well, so be prepared."

Honorable Mentions

by mjhayes - 5 games
"These are pieces of IF that were written with a specific writing concept in mind. They deserve mention for their respective authors' efforts."

All-Time Favorites

by mjhayes - 3 games
"These are the games that I recommend for people new to IF."

Best of 2015 (pre-IF Comp)

by MathBrush - 16 games
"These are my favorite games that have been released this year so far. I'm sure I've missed some good ones. I'm also including some I haven't yet played. PLEASE comment if you think any other games belong on this list."

Great Twine/Choice games for those skeptical of the format

by MathBrush - 25 games
"I didn't like Twine at first, but slowly I've changed my opinion about it, until now, many of my favorite games are Twine/Choice games (including Varytale or choice-style parser games). These games tend to be very different genres from..."

Fictions interactives pour enfants en français

by dutchmule - 9 games
"Cette liste donne des idées de fictions interactives appropriées et recommandées pour les enfants. Listé par ordre alphabétique. Merci à Otto pour la liste originale."

Games of Infocom quality and length (or better)

by MathBrush - 41 games
"These are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure, though fun, is out). By quality, I mean the kind of things accomplished by numerous testers: few..."

List of games with 'forced input'

by dutchmule - 10 games
"This is a list of games which use a specific text effect, which I call "forced input" here (don't know if it has a better name): it's when the game shows you a command prompt, but regardless of what the player types, the command that..."

Linear thriller games

by MathBrush - 17 games
"These are games that are pretty straightforward, and which are designed to be easy enough that you can keep moving forward while hard enough to make you nervous. These games get your blood pumping."

Favorite semi-linear games

by MathBrush - 23 games
"These are games like Anchorhead where you have a large amount of freedom, but you can't always return to the beginning. Generally these games are divided into chapters or days, with each one like its own mini game."

Big, non-linear adventure games with score system

by MathBrush - 33 games
"These are classic-style games, where you have to collect a large variety of objects while exploring a cave or building. My favorite way to play these games is to start playing without hints, mapping out the world and seeing what all I..."

Andromeda Series

by Infinite999 - 4 games
"This is a list for all of the games in the Andromeda Series in this recommended playing order: 1. Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut 2. Andromeda Dreaming 3. Andromeda Apocalypse - Extended Edition 4. Andromeda Ascending"

Great "white hat" horror games by genre

by MathBrush - 36 games
"This list does not include games intended to disgust or to make you personally feel evil. The focus is on games where good overcomes evil, or that just make you think. That is what I mean by "white hat" games. Games like Vespers or..."

Favorites (games that will get you hooked on IF)

by crown_etherette - 6 games
"This list is for Vern and includes my favorite titles to date. I prefer puzzle games with extensive environments to explore."

ZX Spectrum / SAM Adventures I enjoy

by chris00 - 10 games

Good games

by Simon Deimel - 9 games
"This is a list of games that affected me. Their contents had a certain impact on me and kept my mind busy even some time after I had finished playing."

Games I Use At School

by Herr Rau - 4 games
"I teach German, English and Computer Sciences and find IF useful in all subjects."


by @Johnnydjent - 1 game
"Games that I have not yet played, but will."

intriguing games i want to play

by vincent - 20 games

An Incomplete List of IF That I've Come To Love

by Wes Modes - 3 games

8-Bit Basic games under 20k

by jgerrie - 8 games

2013 XYZZY Awards Nominees

by Molly - 25 games
"Here are the nominees for the 2013 XYZZY Awards, roughly by order of appearance on the finalist page. Note that this list does not cover the Best Technological Development Award."

Underrated Menu-Driven Games

by forgepoet - 9 games
"Menu-driven games that I think should have wider exposure. Games that might not be perfect but deserve better than no reviews or no rating."

IF Playlist for the Brontoboards

by Molly - 27 games
"This is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good overview to both parser IF (usually called "text adventures") and choice-based IF (or..."

Must try

by Kku2611 - 36 games
"I am new to IF and collect all of the recommended games under a list for future consulting."

Most Fun to Play

by bluevelvetwings - 6 games
"These games have unique gameplay or character perspective. Most have unique mechanics or are otherwise just different. I had a lot of fun with all of these."

The Best of the Best

by bluevelvetwings - 6 games
"Whether because of amazing writing, immersive plot, unique atmosphere, or whatever else, these are the games I personally consider the best IF has to offer. ..."

Literary IF

by streever - 6 games
"Games that have literary merit make this list. To be accepted, a game should: 1. Evoke deeper themes and meaning, without being blunt. 2. Consistently employ good writing, both in dialogue and descriptions. 3. Tell a rich story from..."

Word-play and word puzzles

by streever - 6 games
"This is my list of fun games for word-play/puzzles. Some of them have substantial stories, and some do not."


by rainbowstreakedskies - 1 game

Played, mixed opinion

by exomarch - 1 game

Games of Awesomeness

by Christopher Caesar - 3 games
"My favorite text games so far."

Society, Socialites and Social Climbing

by E.K. - 13 games
"Games where the protagonist has to navigate aspirational society in some way, whether it is an attempt at climbing the social ladder or avoiding those who seek to do so. Status, gossip, backstabbing and money are the orders of the day..."

Unique puzzle games

by Shadow Fox - 7 games
"This list is focused on shorter games that really made me think. Each one is unique, with interesting settings and mechanics. They may not be the hardest games out there, but beating these made me feel very satisfied with myself. "

Fun and funny

by Shadow Fox - 5 games
"These are games that captured my attention and made me laugh. All of them are lighthearted, most of them are funny, and one is just plain cute. "

Explore-the-Structure Genre

by Jim Kaplan - 8 games
"Lengthy games where the PC's express purpose is the exploration of a single complex structure, such as a museum or mansion. Progress in the game is usually measured by the segments of the structure the player has rendered accessible...."

Played but did not finish

by exomarch - 7 games

Played and Liked

by exomarch - 15 games
"As it says"

Recommended Horror Games

by E.K. - 11 games
"My horror preference is literary with a strong atmosphere, so those types of games will make a stronger showing here than splatterfests, but I have an affection for some of those too. List currently in progress."

Puzzle-less or puzzle-light

by Felix Pleșoianu - 5 games
"The relative importance of puzzles in IF is a matter of some contention. But there's no doubt that puzzleless IF *can* be great. Here are some examples."

All-time favorites

by Felix Pleșoianu - 7 games
"No common thread here... Turns out, I like all kinds of games. Even some puzzlefests."

Linear games

by Felix Pleșoianu - 5 games
"The common wisdom holds that IF's greatest strength is the freedom it grants to the player (or at least the illusion thereof). Yet some of the best IF ever is highly linear."

Good German language games

by ifwizz - 15 games
"The best German language games I ever played"


by DavidG - 2 games
"I have a thing for horror stories, particularly ones by or inspired by HP Lovecraft."

Favorite Games

by katiebaker10 - 3 games

Beatloaf's list for class

by Beatloaf - 3 games

The games I like

by adorsey23 - 3 games

My favorite games

by kmccleland5 - 3 games

My Top Three

by jbabcock10 - 3 games
"My top three favorite interactive fiction games."

Recommended List

by ccrawley6 - 3 games

For Ash

by Keita - 13 games
"Games I'd think she'd enjoy."

Best Games

by kengle2 - 3 games

Best Works of Science Fiction IF

by OtisTDog - 10 games
"I've always been a science fiction buff, but works worth recommending seem even fewer-and-far-between in the world of IF than they are in the world of books. This is the list of my favorites for this genre. Please feel free to comment if..."

Games for IASQ

by Leland Paul - 7 games
"Recommendations for linguist-friends, intended to a) be a good introduction to the medium and b) show off things that you can accomplish in this medium that don't really work elsewhere. This should supplement, not replace, the excellent..."

Puzzle-light games with a strong narrative component

by schifter - 6 games

Xyzzy "Best Individual Puzzle" winners

by Nusco - 19 games
"All the games that won the Best Individual Puzzle award, year by year. I'll avoid giveaway spoilers in my comments, but I'll still comment on the type and difficulty of the puzzle. I'll describe the puzzles by my own categories...."

Recs for Ben and Amy

by Leland Paul - 10 games
"Recommendations for play-aloud IF for a roadtrip."

My Favourite Literary IF

by Janos Honkonen - 5 games
"These are my favourite games which I consider to be more story than puzzle based."

Recommended List

by CharlietheSpiffy - 6 games

Übertweak playlist

by Dannii - 12 games
"Playlist for Übertweak"

The Canonical Infocom Games

by wfaulk - 36 games
"This is a list of the canonical Infocom games in order of release, as according to the Infocom Fact Sheet."

Recommended Linguistic Games

by E.K. - 16 games
"Good games that use language puzzles, or language itself as the puzzle."

ADRIFT Authors' Iconic Works

by DB - 33 games
"I have attempted to assemble a list of some major (and some minor) authors for the ADRIFT platform along with a game iconic of their style. The games are listed by seniority of the authors, where seniority is determined by the year of an..."

Conversation (Heavy?) Games with I7 Source

by I4L - 2 games
"I'm finding that handling realistic conversation in Inform 7 to be something of a challenge. While the examples provided with certain extensions are useful, they only go so far. From an educational standpoint, what are some games with..."

Some interesting games

by Atropos - 17 games

Games I'd like to play

by Atropos - 10 games

Recommended List

by akillam - 3 games

Tim's Top Games

by timothyareeder - 3 games


by jjfloatsmyboat - 1 game


by Gaal24 - 3 games
"my favorite games "

Sparky's Recommended Online Games

by Sparky901 - 3 games

Recommended List

by katie087 - 3 games
"1. Lost Pig by Admiral Jota 2. Lock & Key by Adam Cadre 3. Best of Three by Emily Short "

Produções do Assombro

by Produções do Assombro - 1 game
"In this list you can find our best interactive fictions."

My favourite old IF games

by zhaofeng - 6 games
"Old IF games."

Interactive fiction top 50

by Aintelligence - 12 games
"This list is not interactive fiction's top 50, but instead my oersonal entry for the actual list. A message from VictorGijsbers: The aim is not to decide what the best IF ever is by majority vote -- that would be foolish. Rather, the..."

Some IF I recommend

by RedTulip - 5 games
"These are some games I really liked. You should try them out. My first list."


by dacharya64 - 5 games
"My favorite IF games of all time, as I've played 'em. "

Best Games I've played so Far of new IF

by Joe Pereira - 5 games

My List Of Most Fun Games Ever

by Rotonoto - 29 games
"(in purely alphabetical order)"

Best games ever

by Grueslayer - 1 game
"Best games ever"

Games for my Introduction to IF class

by Pure - 1 game
"Only the best for my students"

Hard puzzle and dungeon games, Zork I, II, and III

by WandWielder - 2 games
"Very cool. Has a good story with a nice description and background. One small problem is the lack of enemies you find during the underground..."

Computer Assisted Language Learning

by Fredrik - 15 games
"As an English teacher I have sometimes used IF as a tool for language learning. IF is exceptionally well suited for that purpose, except for two things: 1) Most good games use very advanced language, too difficult for non-advanced..."

Role Playing Games

by Dan Welch - 1 game
"When I was a kid, I loved to read actual books that were interactive, such as Choose Your Own Adventure books (e.g. Wizards, Warriors, & You)! You died frequently, and so you simply turned back to page 1 to try again. This list of IF..."

My favorite games

by lsloan - 1 game

Some Games

by Razzal - 3 games

For My Correspondence Course

by TaciturnScribe - 3 games

A New IF Players List

by JSR - 4 games

This Is Actually For a Class...

by shorton2008 - 3 games
"Me attempting to fulfill requirements for a course I am taking."


by DanMan421 - 3 games
"My Recommended Games"

The Best of the Best

by Causevic - 3 games
"The Best Games I've played"

Funny Games

by gamerbeauty86 - 2 games
"The following games are ones that I actually laughed at while playing and worth playing more than once simply for that reason. For some reason, I really like dry wit humor when it comes to these games and each game had a certain level of..."

Best Infocom Games

by Xervosh - 6 games
"The ones I personally enjoyed, and on that admittedly flawed basis, extrapolate you might enjoy the most as well. Presented in chronological order of release."

Light-hearted games with solveable puzzles

by Celestianpower - 4 games
"Games with comedic elements, and good, solveable puzzles."

Games with a Time Travel Puzzle

by tggdan3 - 5 games
"Maybe the whole game isn't about time travel, but I really got into some games when they had a time travel puzzle in it- especially when it can be difficult to implement such a puzzle. "

Good Games, Poor Parser

by tggdan3 - 5 games
"Games that you should just grit your teeth and try to complete, despite the poor parser, either because of great story or puzzles. "

Danielle's List of Quick, Crazy and Silly IF

by Danielle - 3 games
"You'll have to throw out obvious rules, your sanity, or both, for these games."

Danielle's List of Avant Garde IF

by Danielle - 2 games
"Artsy, Sophisticated, and often Insane. Know of any others I should try? Let me know!"

Danielle's Classic IF List

by Danielle - 7 games
"Traditional adventure games, filled with happy puzzles. Only thing is, you don't need a fancy video card to see the great graphics. Instead, just add imagination."

Danielle's Must-Play IF List

by Danielle - 9 games
"A list of my personal faves. The format and difficulty of these games vary. The quality, however, does not. I pondered on many of these games long after I finished them, and I hope you enjoy the depth of these works as well."

My Favorites

by Grey - 8 games
"My absolute favorite IFs, ordered by preference (roughly)"

Beginner's choice.

by Grey - 13 games
"If for first time or beginner players. "

Original Favorites from My FIrst Day

by NosesAreAlive - 3 games
"Anything I liked on my first day on this site"

Started But Unfinished Games

by GameDesigner - 10 games
"These are games that I started and never got around to finishing. I intend to finish them one at at time."

Ficção interativa

by Emily Short - 18 games
"IF presented so far at the 13ª Jornada Nacional de Literatura in Passo Fundo, 2009. These works were chosen for a variety of reasons: to illustrate the history of interactive fiction, to teach new players how to interact, to demonstrate..."

Either Interesting or Emotionally Involving

by Mark Jones - 8 games
"Works that have either broken conventional IF rules to some degree and have successfully gotten away with it (in my opinion), or involved a good storyline. Coincidentally, these types of games happen to be my favorite games."

My favorite modern IF games in French

by Eriorg - 7 games
"Here are my favorite modern (i.e. since 2000) IF games in French. This selection is, of course, entirely subjective. --- Voici mes jeux IF modernes (i.e. depuis 2000) en français préférés. Ce choix est bien sûr tout à fait subjectif. "

Pieces of Games

by Ron Newcomb - 10 games
"Sometimes the best way to understand a type of puzzle or interaction is a pithy, stand-alone example of it."

Plot-Driven IF

by Andromache - 9 games
"Some of my absolute favorite games."

Tolkien's Middle-earth games

by Fredrik - 44 games
"Games that are explicitly set in the fantasy world Middle-earth, created by J.R.R. Tolkien."

My Best Games

by tadsPro - 1 game
"I just began developing TADS games.I have played a few games until now but hope to play a lot in the coming days.This list will be updated frequently as i play new games.I will list my favourite games here."

Favorite Games

by Ron Newcomb - 6 games
"Quality games friendly to those of us new to Interactive Fiction and who would have little patience with the text adventures of old."

Games to be Replayed

by Raksab - 8 games
"These games should be played through more than once, for full effect."

Games That Will Keep You Busy For Weeks

by Raksab - 6 games
"These games are long. It may take you days, weeks, or even months to finish them. Not because the puzzles are incredibly hard (although some are), but simply because the worlds are so big and the plots so complete that it will take you a..."

Fun for Beginners

by Raksab - 7 games
"These are games that a newcomer to IF might enjoy. They are well-implemented, not too frustrating, and help give a general idea of what kinds of things IF can do."

To begin

by Fra Enrico - 4 games
"If you are new to the IF, I suggest to start with a bunch of games. Some are easy to play and to get into the thing, some are so great that make you fall in love with the genre."

Deep and long puzzle adventures

by Maze - 6 games
"I always loved adventures. And I like them long and involving, with good, difficult puzzles. This is a list of the best ones I played. I placed Infocom's games in last place, not because they're no good, but because they're usually not..."

IF for a laugh

by Maze - 6 games
"A list of games that will make you laugh. Most of them are very short, but there are a few longer ones. The order is in term of *laughs*, top to bottom."

Games for Handheld Devices

by Marius Müller - 5 games
"This (by no means complete list) lists game which are easy to play on Handheld devices, because they require neither extensive note-taking nor mapping."

Great setting

by Timo Saarinen - 3 games
"Smart puzzles and good writing don't alone make a good game. The setting and overall atmosphere are equally important."

Not Too Long, Not Too Difficult

by Eric Mayer - 8 games
"Being impatient and puzzle-challenged, I prefer rather short games that I can make it through without resorting to hints every other turn. The following leap to mind, in no particular order."

My Favorite Games

by Lady Sarah - 2 games

Tragedy in interactive fiction

by lobespear - 3 games
"The following games that play with the medium were used as examples of approaches to tragedy in interactive fiction at a Cambridge University lecture in 2007."

The Best Puzzle Games There Ever Were

by jingold - 4 games
"Puzzle games are out of vogue these days and even if they weren't, I just don't feel like I have the time to play them any more. But when I did, I loved them, and these are the ones I loved the most."

Games Worth Playing

by Jim Turner - 7 games
"Some of the games I liked best."

My favorite games

by Paolo Lucchesi - 5 games
"A brief list of the games I've liked, and I would recommend to another player"

Active Non-player Characters

by Emily Short - 26 games
"Games which make use of non-player characters that have a great deal of independence, often moving around and acting on their own, or taking the lead in conversation. Some of these are more successful than others, but all are likely to..."

Puzzle Based Small Games

by NiMuSi - 6 games
"Small games where the emphasis is on the puzzles. These small games all have puzzles with, on the main, logical answers. "

Plot-heavy IF

by Emily Short - 10 games
"Interactive fiction with a lot of plot -- many scenes and events moving the player forward, rather than just a collection of puzzles. Some of these works are fairly difficult and do use puzzles as pacing devices, while others are low in..."

Metatextual Conceits

by Michael Martin - 7 games
"Most works of IF present themselves as works of IF, to be interacted with by you, the user, much as a reader would read a novel. These games play with or reject this, by presenting themselves as some other kind of artifact, or by..."

Highly Recommended

by Wendymoon - 10 games
"I like great writing, interesting characters, a little mystery, romance and sci-fi."


by evil tabby cat - 2 games
"These are games which either sent a shiver down my spine, or made me look at reality differently. Only including games I've actually completed."

Innovative Interactive Fiction

by Victor Gijsbers - 7 games
"Much Interactive Fiction, and some of the best, quite obviously descends from Zork and other early Infocom text adventures. But some of it departs from that terrain, and attempts to take the medium to new and unexplored areas. I here..."

Delron Recommended ADRIFT Games

by Richard Otter - 9 games
"This is a list of my favourite ADRIFT games, which I consider are well worth a look."

IF For Libraries

by pwaak - 11 games
"I have examined the licensing and reviews for these games. They all conform to the selection policy of a typical public library in Texas. Your mileage may vary. Academic libraries may consider this list conservative while school..."

Games with a strong PC

by Tiny Clanger - 5 games
"In some games you mustn't just act, but act in character. In most games, Captain Kirk won't be allowed to shoot Mr Spock, and obviously nonsensical acts are disallowed. But in others, the whole world and its descriptions are filtered..."

Favorite ALAN games

by Anya Johanna DeNiro - 6 games
"These are some of my favorite games written in the ALAN IF-development language. With a lower learning curve and a more natural-language programming environment, ALAN v2 definitely filled an important role in IF before the advent of..."

My Top 10 List (Not In Order)

by Sami Preuninger - 10 games

Distinctive Puzzle Style

by Sam Kabo Ashwell - 10 games
"One of the most powerful techniques for rendering a game memorable is to build it around a unusual, interesting and consistent way of handling significant world interaction (or puzzles, if you prefer). It's also a difficult technique to..."

Highly polished gameplay

by Emily Short - 10 games
"Games that are exceptionally well-tested and smooth to play. They may not always be the most original works, but the implementation is strong, offering minimal frustration with guess-the-verb and other common flaws."

Enduring Games

by AmberShards - 6 games
"These are games with memorable stories, whose characters live long after the window has closed, and in which the puzzles are an integral part of the game. "

IF that's a pleasure to READ

by Maureen - 10 games
"I have a soft spot for "literary" IF. Good writing can draw me into a story that doesn't really have much game to it, and amateur writing can wreck an otherwise good game. That's not to say I like puzzle-less IF or text dumps. I enjoy..."

Commercial Shouldabeens

by GameDesigner - 23 games
"Games that most likely should have been commercial rather than free."

Fun Games

by AmberShards - 6 games
"These are games which are entertaining but not enduring. Play them to enjoy a spot of diversion. "

Games that are super awesome

by Personman - 2 games
"These are the IF games that I happen to think are incredibly amazing, fantastically wonderful, supremely terrific, and really great."

Top 10

by zer - 10 games

My top 10 games

by Quintin Stone - 10 games


by Juhana - 5 games
"Games that make you think or have a surprising twist."

Best of SpeedIF

by David Welbourn - 12 games
"SpeedIF games are often overlooked or denigrated, and usually with good reason: with only two hours to code a game, the results can be rather shoddy. Buggy. Plagued with read-author's-mind problems. But not always. Here are a few SpeedIF..."


by Steven - 8 games

Easy, fun, short.

by Michael R. Bacon - 10 games
"Easy to get into and complete while remaining very entertaining."

IF Romances

by Emily Short - 13 games
"IF in the romance genre is rare; here are a few I thought worked well."

Comedy that works

by Emily Short - 15 games
"Light-hearted, well-paced interactive humor."

Recommended ADRIFT Games

by Richard Otter - 11 games
"This is a list put together in early 2005 after a thread on the ADRIFT Forum It is not comprehensive, and not all of the games will appeal to everyone."

Games for beginners

by Eric Eve - 10 games
"Many of the games in this list are ones I enjoyed as a beginner, but the main aim of this list is to suggest games that are reasonably short and not too hard (so that enjoyment should generally exceed frustration!), and which should..."