Games where you fix a broken spaceship

Recommendations by MathBrush

A lot of games are about being in a broken spaceship and having to fix it. Here's a list! Some games don't really fit, or only have a few parts involving fixing a ship. I left a lot out where you woke up in a ship and then sabotaged it or explored it without fixing it. If you think of any to add or some that should be taken off, let me know!

A game that would be on here (but I don't want its inclusion spoiling its game page since it's a spoiler for the game) is the rabbit-based game

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1. Fragile Shells
by Stephen Granade
Average member rating: (51 ratings)

2. Stationfall
by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (45 ratings)

3. Fail-Safe
by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (112 ratings)

4. Rover's Day Out
by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
Average member rating: (55 ratings)

5. Hadean Lands
by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (64 ratings)

6. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (181 ratings)

7. Splashdown, by Paul J. Furio (2004)
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

8. Fingertips: Fingertips, by Michael D. Hilborn (2012)
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

9. Terminator Chaser
by Bruno Dias
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

10. Lux
by Agnieszka Trzaska
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

11. Founder's Mercy
by Thomas Insel
Average member rating: (12 ratings)

12. Crash
by Phil Riley
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

13. Hibernated 1 (Director's Cut)
by Stefan Vogt
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

by furkle
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

15. Word of the Day
by Richard Otter
Average member rating: (15 ratings)

16. Enlisted, by G.F. Berry (2000)
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

17. A Long Way to the Nearest Star
by SV Linwood
Average member rating: (44 ratings)

18. Orbital Decay
by Kayvan Sarikhani
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

19. The Weapon
by Sean Barrett
Average member rating: (37 ratings)

20. Objectif Mars!, by KrisDoC (2023)
Average member rating: (1 rating)
MathBrush says:

Technically a colony on Mars, but does include a detachable spaceship.

21. Never Gives Up Her Dead
by Mathbrush
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

MathBrush says:

My own game, involving a crashing spaceship you are trying to save

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