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Objectif Mars!

by KrisDoC profile

Donjon FI

(based on 1 rating)
1 review3 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Vous faites partie d'une mission sur Mars. Votre rôle est de garder la station Atlas, en orbite autour de la planète rouge, tandis que les autres membres de l'équipage accomplissent leurs tâches à la surface. De vous dépend le retour sur Terre de l'équipage.


Ratings and Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Explore a space station undergoing a crisis, February 27, 2023
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

In this game, you wake up in darkness on a space station on Mars. The oxygen is getting low, and you have to repair the spaceship!

This is written in the Donjon engine, one I've seen come up several times in French games and which always works well overall.

There is a small map here, and only a few items, allowing the game to be completed relatively quickly with few surprises (except for some fun easter eggs).

Overall, the game is pretty sparse. The majority of each room description is taken up by listing exits. An AI is mentioned but doesn't seem to do much (it is almost implied that the player is the AI but then we put on overalls so it wouldn't make much sense. Unless the reader is the AI?) And there is a little bit of lack of verbs or clues.

I gave two stars to a game by the same author last year and I feel a bit bad giving two stars again, but I think that for me personally (since my rating is just subjective and is only my opinion), if the author did some more testing where they had players try commands and implemented anything they tried, the game would be a lot smoother. But maybe I'm wrong.

Actually, I am very glad there was a walkthrough provided and it made things very smooth after I had explored for a while and got stuck, so I think I will add a star for the good walkthrough and the funny spores.

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