Produções do Assombro

Lisbon, Portugal

Member since August 30, 2010
Last visited September 29, 2017
Profile ID (TUID): sizbae6ix4ge9pa2

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Produções do Assombro is an alias for the game development work of Pedro Silva Sena, a writer and translator.

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Interactive Fiction by Produções do Assombro

O Embuçado, by Produções do Assombro (2012)
(1 rating)
O Embuçado is an adventure set in Lisbon (Portugal) during the XVIIIth century, a bit before the terrible earthquake of 1755. You are an actor struggling for fame, love and money in an unusual...

Barbarossa, by New Insights Project (2010)
Barbarossa is an historical adventure set in Western Europe during the XVIth century: you are a young merchant recruited for a secret mission...

Recommended Lists by Produções do Assombro

Produções do Assombro - 1 item   October 13, 2011
In this list you can find our best interactive fictions.

Polls by Produções do Assombro

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Reviews by Produções do Assombro

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Produções do Assombro's Played Games List

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