My new walkthroughs for October 2020

Recommendations by David Welbourn (Kitchener, Ontario)

During the evening of Wednesday October 28, 2020, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of interactive fiction at There is also a new walkthrough for The Isle of Statues, a game that might not be on the internet anymore.

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1. The Problems Compound
by Andrew Schultz
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

David Welbourn says:

In this wordplay game of changing what's-thats to that's-whats, you play as Alec Smart, the sort of dork who likes useless games that are more like IQ tests than something fun or social. But in the Problems Compound, you'll meet lots of people more social than you who'll pose real-life problems, especially the Baiter Master, also known as the Complex Messiah.

2. The Dragon Diamond [modern versions]
by Kenneth Pedersen
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

David Welbourn says:

In this old-school adventure game, you play as Bash the Barbarian. You have been ordered by the evil Queen Drana to obtain the Dragon Diamond which is somewhere in the Forest of Fear.

3. Amusement Park, by Penczer Attila (2004)
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
David Welbourn says:

In this small relaxing slice-of-life game, it's the last day of summer and a few hours before sunset. You have just found an abandoned amusement park in a nearby forest and you've decided to explore it.

4. Old King Nebb
by Caleb Wilson (as Abandoned Pools)
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

David Welbourn says:

In this work, you play as Absalome Pilcrow, a youth from Panzitoum on a walking tour. On the way to the Redfort, you stop by the palace of Old King Nebb and decide to explore it.

5. The Wizard's Apprentice, by Alex Freeman (2013)
Average member rating: (13 ratings)
David Welbourn says:

As Gwydion's apprentice, you have learned four spells: rust, freeze, metal detection, and invisibility. He's now decided to test you. Your tasks are to escape the dungeon, get paprika from a witch, make soup, and find his metal rod.

6. The Gateway of the Ferrets
by Feneric
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

David Welbourn says:

In this one-room puzzle game, you find yourself on a semi-circular ledge with two ferrets (Sugar and Cinnamon), a kibble dispenser, and a strange imposing pedestal. The only possible way to escape is through a locked gateway with a perplexing readout.

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