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The Dragon Diamond [modern versions]

by Kenneth Pedersen profile

Episode 1 of The Bash Saga
Inform 7, ADRIFT

(based on 4 ratings)
3 reviews3 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

Your name is Bash, a famous warrior, ordered by the evil Queen Drana to obtain the fabled Dragon Diamond from the Forest of Fear. The queens chauffeur Leon drives you to the outskirts of the forest in a carriage. You arrive and you both leave the carriage. Your adventure starts here!

This listing is for the modern versions (Adrift and Inform) whereas the original Commodore 64 game from 1996 has its own listing. These new versions are redesigned and VERY different from the C64-version which was unforgiving (cruel), had mazes etc. Thus, in this case it makes sense that there are two listings: One for the C64 version and one for the modern versions.


Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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1 star:
Average Rating: based on 4 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A Short, Traditional Adventure With Clever Puzzles, June 30, 2020
by J. J. Guest (London, England)

The Dragon Diamond is the first of a trilogy of games, and thus far the only one to have been ported to Inform. The story and setting are not the most original, but it's enjoyable enough for all that. The game's best feature are its puzzles, which are quite clever. Some items have several different uses, and many of the puzzles have multiple solutions. I did have guess-the-verb type problems with some of the puzzles, however, and though the author has rated The Dragon Diamond as "Merciful" on the Zarfian forgiveness scale, I also found at least one way to get the game into an unwinnable state. These quibbles aside, I would still recommend The Dragon Diamond as a good game for a beginner, as it is quite short and includes a hint system.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Not bad little game., January 25, 2023*
by P/o Prune (Denmark)

Dragon Diamond is the first Adrift game from this author. It's not a bad little game and if you have an hour or two to spare you would probably get some enjoyment out of playing it.
It's not spectacular and probably won't be written into the IF hall of fame, but there are a couple of puzzles that will probably make you think once or twice before you find the solution.
You play the role of a warrior whom, for unknown reasons has pissed off the evil queen. She has sent you on a quest to find and retrieve an object knows as “the Dragon Diamond”
The descriptions are short and to the point, almost too short for my liking. I would have preferred longer descriptions which would no doubt have added to the atmosphere.
The flow in the game is pretty straight forward without twists and "red Herrings" if you're able to take something you'll probably need it.
There are a couple of places where the action you need to take as the player isn't all that straight forward and almost seem illogically
Like I said earlier there are some puzzles that will make you think, but nothing that will make you tear your hair out and run away screaming in frustration.
I hope the release of the Dragon Diamond has wetted Kenneth's appetite and that he'll give us a taste of what he's really capable of now that he has found out how easy Adrift is to use.

* This review was last edited on January 26, 2023
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Good for relatively new players, February 3, 2019

In-game help system was perfect and kept me from doing too much rephrasing. The story was well crafted if a bit thin, but maybe others in the series explain more.

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The Dragon Diamond [modern versions] on IFDB

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