J. J. Guest

London, England

Top 100 Reviewer
Member since October 17, 2007
Last visited October 24, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): 35hnhtx0k51rr9j

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I am the author of a number of IF games including To Hell in a Hamper and Alias 'The Magpie', winner of IFComp 2018.

I first discovered IF in the Eighties, playing and writing games on the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro. After 12 years in the wilderness, I rediscovered it in 2002.

IF Blog: jjguest.blogspot.com
Website: jjguest.com

News about games authored by J. J. Guest (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by J. J. Guest

Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest (2018)
(68 ratings)
Sir Rodney Playfair, gentleman thief, has a simple plan: impersonate a psychiatrist, infiltrate a country house, steal a priceless Egyptian scarab and make it back to London in time for cocktails....

To Hell in a Hamper, by J. J. Guest (2003)
(111 ratings)
Professor Pettibone, eminent Victorian balloonist, has a problem. He can't get it up. His balloon that is. If he can't reach an altitude of 20,000 feet, and soon, both he and his mysterious...

Excalibur, by J. J. Guest, G. C. Baccaris, and Duncan Bowsman (2021)
(19 ratings)
The psychedelic science fantasy series Excalibur was wiped by the BBC. It lives on, in the memories of its fans. Author's Comment: "Welcome to the Excalibur Wiki. This fan-run encyclopaedia...

To Sea in a Sieve, by J. J. Guest (2023)
(19 ratings)
Peter Petibon, cabin boy, hath a problem. He be goin' down -- to Davy Jones' locker, by the powers! Lest he seize the booty o' the dread pyrate Booby, and heave it all o'erboard, he and the Cap'n...

Renegade Brainwave, by J. J. Guest (2010)
(13 ratings)
"Beware! Beware! Take care! For you are about take part in an interactive story that will reveal the terrifying truth behind the mysterious Soviet space programme! Revelations of incredible horrors...

See all 9 games by J. J. Guest

Recommended Lists by J. J. Guest

Games I've Designed Cover Art For - 11 items   May 25, 2022
As well as writing games, I enjoy making cover art for them. This list includes all the games I've designed the cover art for. The top...

I Was A Teenage Adventure Gamer - 18 items   July 8, 2019
I grew up playing IF on the Acorn Electron, and later the BBC Master Compact. My aim here is to create a complete list of all the games...

Polls by J. J. Guest

Choice-Based Games with a Spoke and Hub Structure - 10 votes for 9 games; created April 18, 2021
After playing a couple of the Fabled Lands gamebooks, I noticed they use a Spoke and Hub structure. I'm interested in choice-based IF...

Reviews by J. J. Guest

Custard & Mustard's Big Adventure, by Christopher Merriner   March 31, 2024
"This is one of the best Adventuron games I've played, from the author of last year's The Faeries of Haelstowne, which I also enjoyed. The..." - See the full review

Good Grub!, by Damon L. Wakes   April 27, 2022
"This is a short lecture on the merits of eating insects, written as if delivered by an annoyingly self-righteous person who has cornered..." - See the full review

Filthy Aunt Mildred, by Guđni Líndal Benediktsson   April 26, 2022
"When I read the title of this game I assumed that the word "filthy" was meant in the sense of "sexually offensive". Surely everyone has..." - See the full review

The Magpie Takes the Train, by Mathbrush   December 14, 2020
"The Magpie Takes the Train was written for me, as my chosen prize for winning IFComp 2018, and what a prize it turned out to be! I..." - See the full review

Return of the Diamond, by R. McGregor   August 1, 2020
"I first encountered Return of the Diamond in a book called "Games and other programs for the Acorn Electron", published by Penguin Books...." - See the full review

See all 31 reviews by J. J. Guest
See all ratings and reviews by J. J. Guest

J. J. Guest's Play Lists

Played Games

20 Exchange Place, by Sol FC
Vampire Ltd, by Alex Harby
To Sea in a Sieve, by J. J. Guest
Honk!, by Alex Harby
Buck Rockford Heads West, by J. J. Guest

See all 143 entries in the Played List

Wish List

The Labyrinthine Library of Xleksixnrewix, by Daniel Stelzer, Ada Stelzer, and Sarah Stelzer
All The Games I Would Have Made For Seedcomp If I Had The Time (Which I Did Not) (Oh Well There's Always Next Year), by Cerfeuil
Octopus's Garden, by Michael D. Hilborn
Teatime with a Vampire, by manonamora
Moondrop Isle, by Ryan Veeder, Nils Fagerburg, Joey Jones, Zach Hodgens, Jason Love, Mark Marino, Carl Muckenhoupt, Sarah Willson, Caleb Wilson

See all 45 entries in the Wish List