Games I've Designed Cover Art For

Recommendations by J. J. Guest (London, England)

As well as writing games, I enjoy making cover art for them. This list includes all the games I've designed the cover art for. The top four covers on the list are my favourites, and I'd like to do more in a similar vein. If you have a small, offbeat game that might suit this sort of cover treatment, please let me know!

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1. Gorxungula's Curse
by Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

My favourite cover art that I've designed. This highly eccentric game deserved some eccentric art inspired by Czech movie poster art. It also serves as a sort of map of the game.

2. Stuff of Legend
by Lance Campbell
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

This is another of my favourite covers. It's a collage of medieval marginalia. I went through hundreds of pages of manuscripts to find suitable images for this very funny game.

3. Pirate's Plunder!
by Tiberius Thingamus
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

This is a nice, simple design which uses scans of cereal packet action transfers as well as bits from actual 18th century treasure maps. Hopefully it captures the fun atmosphere of the game.

4. Tours Roust Torus
by Andrew Schultz
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

Commissioned by Andrew Schultz after he saw this list. A super addition to Andrew's mind-boggling anagram series!

5. Goldilocks is a FOX!
by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

My own game, and another one inspired by Czech movie poster design. It's the third cover I've designed for this game and I'm still not 100% happy with it, but I think it works.

6. To Hell in a Hamper
by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (111 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

Another of my own games, and this one is a refinement of an earlier cover I designed back when I first published the game. It's a montage of two separate public domain images, a painting and an etching by two different Victorian artists.

7. Yak Shaving for Kicks and Giggles!
by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

This cover was intended to evoke 1960s hippie flyers and underground magazines, it uses stock photographs which I purchased from Shutterstock with a good deal of digital manipulation.

8. When Beer Isn't Enough
by Matt Dark Baron
Average member rating: (1 rating)

J. J. Guest says:

This was an unsolicited cover which I made because I enjoyed the game and wanted to pay homage to it. I think it captures the very silly atmosphere of the game to a tee, in suitably Australian colours.

9. Excalibur
by J. J. Guest, G. C. Baccaris, and Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

Another cover I'm not 100% happy with. It's a two-colour version of the Excalibur logo, which I designed, with some VHS degradation. I'll probably change or improve it in the future.

10. Renegade Brainwave
by J. J. Guest
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

This is the second cover I've designed for this game, made for the 2021 expanded re-release. It's designed to look like the title card of a 1950s B-movie, and I'm very pleased with it.

11. Escape from the Crazy Place
by J. J. Guest, Loz Etheridge and friends
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

J. J. Guest says:

A collaborative cover for a collaborative game, this one features artwork from the original manuscript version of the game, used with the permission of the artists. The smiley logo was a rubber stamp belonging to my sister.

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