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Escape from the Crazy Place

by J. J. Guest profile, Loz Etheridge, and friends

(based on 11 ratings)
3 reviews13 members have played this game. It's on 30 wishlists.

About the Story

You've been locked in a padded cell for no obvious reason with only a deranged hamburger-eating clown for company. The cell doesn't even have a door. So begins an adventure that will take you to many places including custard-filled caverns, the world's worst Indian restaurant, the planet Venus, and the inside of a cereal packet. You'll meet such strange characters as the peculiar Plugalug, the mysterious Cow of Honour, Rampateuay of the Hills (a prophet who predicts things he's about to do) and the sinister Boss.

Can YOU make it alive through the forest of the Ostrich People? Fathom the mysteries of the marmalade satnav? Survive the mutiny on the 'Milky Way'? Discover why you have ham on the brain, ham on the brain, ham on the ham on the ham on the brain? Can YOU escape from the Crazy Place?

A 90,000 word choice-based game, Escape from the Crazy Place has been in production on and off since it began in manuscript form back in 1984. An interactive round-robin story, it combines the talents of around 20 different authors. Some wrote just a page or two, others wrote dozens.

The current TWINE version includes around 450 new passages by J. J. Guest, Loz Etheridge and Mark Bailey. The game will continue to grow as we add more.

"Like the twisted literary lovechild of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and Homsar, Escape From the Crazy Place is quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever touched!" Ryusui - rec.arts.int.fiction.

"I've been playing your online Escape from the Crazy Place for the last half hour and I have to say it's... well, the best damn thing I've ever seen ever." Sprite - The Adrift Forum.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 11 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
A sprawling absurd Twine game with a tangled and deep backstory, August 20, 2018*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

Escape from the Crazy Place is a sprawling, labyrinthine Twine game with significantly more content than games such as Birdland. It's absurdist, surreal, dreamlike, and ridiculous.

It's history is almost more absurd (parts of this may be inaccurate; play the TADS version to see more). It began as a physical handwritten CYOA book in school over 30 years ago, passed around by students and added to over time. That copy was lost, rewritten from memory.

It became an online html game before anyone was doing much CYOA html, then it became TADS in 2006. Now, years later, it's been redone in Twine.

It has dozens of authors. It has parts that are clever and exciting.

But it also has parts that are less exciting. One reason passing around a physical CYOA book in school is thrilling is because you can see the heft and size of it and think, "oh man, this puppy is huge!". Flipping through can give you an idea of its contents.

Escape from the Crazy Place is online, though, so you don't really know what you're getting. And the first passages are the oldest, by those with the least experience, referencing 80's and adolescents. The first about also loops around itself somewhat, making it even harder to get a grip on the size of the game.

I kept pushing through (playing with my 6 year old son) and we found a lot of really great content. That experience made me think that this is a good game to play collaboratively, just as it was written.

* This review was last edited on August 21, 2018
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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Rown the dabbit-hole., April 13, 2017

I've played "Escape from the crazy place" on and off since I was introduced to it about 6 years ago and every time I'm in I find odd new locations and mix-ups, mashups and reminders of our mortality.

I've had tantalisingly close moments of near-escape but the path is long, absurd and complex, like life itself.

It's often laugh-out-loud fun regardless and new releases get new branches and storylines, so I'll keep on searching for a way out.
The deeper I go, the better it gets.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Great fun, January 12, 2015
Related reviews: cyoa, tads

This is a surrealist gem.

I've never beaten it, despite spending some time on it, but the remarkably surreal world kind of sucks you and drags you along.

Normally I dislike CYOA games as they tend to offer small variations on a theme, but this was created over a long period of time and is HUGE and so constantly offers something fresh.

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1 Off-Site Review

Irritating and unfunny
... The admittedly bug-free play reads like something written by a 13 year old.
... The play, the “puzzles” (such as they are) and the illustrations are simple,
sophomoric and pointless.
See the full review


New TWINE Version Expands UncontrollablyJune 6, 2017
Escape from the Crazy Place is a preposterous blob of literary jelly that has been slowly distending for thirty-three years. The new TWINE edition is two and a half times as large as the 2006 TADS2 release, and shows no sign of stopping. The authors disclaim any responsibility for damage to nerves.
Reported by J. J. Guest | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
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