Danielle's List of Quick, Crazy and Silly IF

Recommendations by Danielle (The Wild West)

You'll have to throw out obvious rules, your sanity, or both, for these games.

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1. You are a Chef!, by Dan Shiovitz (2000)
Average member rating: (49 ratings)

2. Cheater, by Wesley Osam (1996)
Average member rating: (9 ratings)
Danielle says:

(Note to self: replay this!)

3. Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle, by David Dyte, Steve Bernard, Dan Shiovitz, Iain Merrick, Liza Daly, John Cater, Ola Sverre Bauge, J. Robinson Wheeler, Jon Blask, Dan Schmidt, Stephen Granade, Rob Noyes, and Emily Short (2001)
Average member rating: (111 ratings)
Danielle says:

Parodies the games Aisle (see below) and Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die. Caution: Can contain strong language.

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