New walkthroughs for August 2024
Recommendations by David Welbourn (Kitchener, Ontario)On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, I published new walkthroughs for the games and stories listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of interactive fiction at Patreon and Ko-fi.
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1. The Little Match Girl 5: The Hunter's Vow
by Ryan Veeder
Average member rating: (5 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
This fantasy game begins in Manchester, 1851. In part 1, you play as Prince Linus of Sardinia, who travels to other places and times by opening locked doors. He delivers invitations to the little match girl at five different points in her extraordinary lifetime. In part 2, the invited quintet rescues a sixth version of herself, the Hunter, from a castle of vampires. In part 3, the Hunter makes her vow.
2. Welcome, by Ryan Veeder (2024)
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
In this surreal puzzle-filled game, you could be anyone exploring undescribed lands inhabited mostly by insects, although there is also a janitor and a custodian. With only room names, object names, default messages, and error messages to guide you, can you figure out what must be done?
3. Beat Witch
by Robert Patten
Average member rating: (12 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
In this horror game, you play as Polly Miller, a beat witch. People fear you because you can drain their life. Loud music can kill you. The dead victims of another beat witch litter the city, but unfortunately, the emergency responders discover you first.
4. Dr Ludwig and the Devil
by SV Linwood
Average member rating: (44 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
In this comedic game, you play as Dr Ludwig, a scientist who wants to learn how to create life then laugh in God's face. The summoned Devil offers a contract: sell your soul in exchange for the secret of life. Meanwhile, Hans and the Torch and Pitchfork Society demand you sign their contract, wherein you promise not to rob graves, bring dead organs to life, etc. Can you triumph without signing either paper?
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