

Top 100 Reviewer
Member since December 24, 2008
Last visited March 30, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): q0sq3opg9so0ziy

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I like drawing, writing, playing games (like IF), and various other pursuits.

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Interactive Fiction by Molly

Santa's Sleigh Ride, by Molly Geene (2008)
(4 ratings)
It's late Christmas Eve, and Santa is on the last house of his ride. Help Santa make this delivery!

Out the Window, by Molly Geene (as Bramble Bobonong) (2014)
(7 ratings)

Fallout Shelter, by Molly Geene (as Amadeo Voss) (2014)
(9 ratings)

Even through six inches of reinforced steel, you can hear the noises. An entrant to Shufflecomp 2014.

Delicious Breakfast, by Molly G. (2010)
(9 ratings)
This is a re-implementation of the first work I finished in Inform 7. I made it for Glorious Trainwrecks' Pirate Kart 2, then re-released an improved version (along with a bunch of other games) for...

You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle, by SoftSoft (2014)
(4 ratings)

"Can you beat our amazing new New Years puzzle challenge? It’s all a part of our brand-new New Years new brand initiative!" (Game Intro)

See all 9 games by Molly

Recommended Lists by Molly

2013 XYZZY Awards Nominees - 25 items   March 11, 2014
Here are the nominees for the 2013 XYZZY Awards, roughly by order of appearance on the finalist page. Note that this list does not cover...

IF Playlist for the Brontoboards - 27 items   March 2, 2014
This is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good...

Polls by Molly

For Your Consideration: Games from 2014 that should be nominated for the XYZZY Awards - 57 votes for 43 games; created March 15, 2015
There were a lot of great games released in the past year, and now that the XYZZYs are coming up, it seems like a very good idea to take...

Kusoge of the IF Comp - 6 votes for 4 games; created May 21, 2014
From Hardcore Gaming 101: "Kusoge" (糞ゲー, or クソゲー) is a Japanese compound word - "kuso", meaning "garbage, crap, shit", and "ge", short...

For Your Consideration: Games from 2013 that should be nominated for the XYZZY Awards - 26 votes for 26 games; created February 18, 2014
There were a lot of great games released in 2013, and now that the XYZZYs are coming up, it seems like a very good idea to take a poll of...

For Your Consideration: Games from 2012 that should be nominated for the XYZZY Awards - 31 votes for 30 games; created April 4, 2013
There were a lot of great games released in the past year, and now that the XYZZYs are coming up, it seems like a very good idea to take...

Best games you've played in 2012 - 29 votes for 18 games; created December 15, 2012
The year of our lord Two Thousand Twelve is almost over, so let's reflect back on the games we've played this year and see which ones we...

See all 12 polls by Molly

Reviews by Molly

Alice Falling, by Matthias Conrady   March 12, 2014
"Alice Falling is a Twine adaption of the falling scene from Alice in Wonderland. It's a very short piece, and can be completed in about..." - See the full review

Single Dad in Space, by Kent Valentine   January 9, 2014
"Single Dad in Space is, like the title suggests, a story about a dad trying to save his son during the destruction of a space station...." - See the full review

Fingertips: The Day That Love Came To Play, by S. John Ross   December 22, 2013
"The Apollo 18+20 entries are an eclectic lot: some of them adhere fairly closely to the source material, while others mainly use it as a..." - See the full review

A Trick-or-Treat Adventure, by Adelynn Snyder   December 14, 2013
"A Trick-or-Treat Adventure is a simple CYOA that was made by an eight-year-old with some help from her father. Like most works written by..." - See the full review

Wisp, by Lea   December 7, 2013
"Wisp is basically a maze-that-is-not-a-maze game; the story is you're a traveler very late in getting home and must now deal with a..." - See the full review

See all 16 reviews by Molly
See all ratings and reviews by Molly