Twine SFX 2015

Recommendations by verityvirtue (London)

Twines released in 2015 which use interesting effects (which I, er, want to use as well. Yes.). Suggestions welcome.

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1. To Spring Open, by Peter Berman and Yoon Ha Lee (as Two-Bit Chip) (2015)
Average member rating: (18 ratings)
verityvirtue says:

Text effects while on the subway; the box on the side stating the player's goals. Twine 1.

by furkle
Average member rating: (41 ratings)

verityvirtue says:

HUD, especially, but I'm tempted to say everything. Twine 2.

3. Secret Agent Cinder
by Emily Ryan
Average member rating: (27 ratings)

verityvirtue says:

Neat map and navigation system, the weapons selection screen. Twine 1/2?

4. Invasion
by Cat Manning
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

verityvirtue says:

The post-comp release features nice text effects and images. Twine 1, I think.

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