

Top 10 Reviewer
Member since October 14, 2012
Last visited August 21, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): lxf6knlpozd23u57

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Dabbler. Very occasional updates only. Rating system largely similar to Mathbrush: implementation, mechanics, storyline, writing, emotional impact

News about games authored by verityvirtue (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by verityvirtue

the morning after, by verityvirtue (2016)
(9 ratings)
It's been a long night. We've not had a proper sleep. But we seize this moment of peace. Made for the Tiny Utopias jam.

30 kilogrammes, by verityvirtue (2016)
(5 ratings)
A tiny utopia about packing.

A Friend to Light Your Way, by verityvirtue (2016)
(7 ratings)
There may be no incense, no cymbals, no monks at this funeral, but the night watch is mandatory. You've volunteered to take the watch for the first night, and just as well: you can hear him...

Mouth of Ashes, by verityvirtue (2016)
(6 ratings)
I've been to see the elders on the top of their mountain. I've got the cure for my daughter. It's time to go home. Still undergoing development. (If you choose to download, note that background...

Stand Down, by verityvirtue (2018)
(2 ratings)

A low-interactivity, linear reflection. This reflection was inspired by: Bruno Dias's The World Turned Upside Down mathbrush's Untie (as Alex Ellis) Emily Short's TinyHillside Cover photo by Zhen...

See all 8 games by verityvirtue

Recommended Lists by verityvirtue

vv's comfort food IF - 8 items   October 9, 2016
Like it says on the tin. I hope these give you a measure of comfort as well.

Twine SFX 2015 - 4 items   May 17, 2016
Twines released in 2015 which use interesting effects (which I, er, want to use as well. Yes.). Suggestions welcome.

A Doll's House - 7 items   May 13, 2016
Games which feature female protagonists who mature through the progress of the game.

Combinatorial Explosion - 3 items   May 11, 2016
Combinatorial explosion is a name fitting for a band, or a game about chemistry, but, according to mama Wikipedia, it refers to "the...

Cat simulators - 7 items   April 5, 2016
Games in which the PC is a cat, or which revolve closely around a particular cat. Generally pleasant games. I have thought about whether...

See all 8 lists by verityvirtue

Polls by verityvirtue

Games about experiencing chronic/long-term illness - 13 votes for 12 games; created January 7, 2017
Games which primarily involve the experiences of the PC or an NPC with an illness, which may involve their experiences with healthcare...

Games about mother-child relationships - 21 votes for 16 games; created July 2, 2016
Games which deal with mother-child relationships, no matter the nature of either party.

Games about strange and wonderful plants - 31 votes for 18 games; created June 26, 2016

For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible settings of 2015 - 39 votes for 39 games; created February 11, 2016
This is for suggesting settings from games released 2015 which you think might be worth considering for Best Setting in the XYZZY awards....

For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible puzzles of 2015 - 14 votes for 13 games; created February 11, 2016
This is for suggesting puzzles from games released 2015 who you think might be worth considering for Best Individual Puzzle in the XYZZY...

See all 11 polls by verityvirtue

Reviews by verityvirtue

The Whale's Keeper, by Ben Parzybok   October 4, 2023
"Time spent: 30-45 mins You find yourself in a whale. Survive. It is not a personal slight to the writers that I was not moved. The text..." - See the full review

DEVOTIONALIA, by G.C. "Grim" Baccaris (as G. Grimoire)   September 19, 2023
"play time: 15-20 mins The reader plays the last remaining priest devoted to an unnamed being, whose worship takes the form of daily..." - See the full review

INK, by Sangita V Nuli   October 22, 2022
"A grieving narrator finds a letter with a secret. Playthrough: 10-15 mins This short game had the cadence of song lyrics, and I found..." - See the full review

Through the Forest with the Beast, by Star   October 21, 2022
"You are a fugitive, running through the woods in search of safety. A highly branching but short story - I reached an ending in about 15..." - See the full review

Let Them Eat Cake, by Alicia Morote   October 19, 2022
"CWs as given in the starting screen: violence, implied murder, and implied animal cruelty You are assistant to baker Benoit in this small..." - See the full review

See all 250 reviews by verityvirtue
See all ratings and reviews by verityvirtue

verityvirtue's Play Lists

Played Games

Into The Lion's Mouth, by Metalflower
All the Troubles Come My Way, by Sam Dunnachie
A Thing of Wretchedness, by AKheon
Xanthippe's Last Night with Socrates, by Victor Gijsbers
Dysfluent, by Allyson Gray

See all 524 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Milliways: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Max Fog
Barcarolle in Yellow, by Víctor Ojuel
Write or Reflect?, by Andrew Schultz
The Mamertine, by K Vella
The Sacred Shovel of Athenia, by Andy Galilee

See all 395 entries in the Wish List