'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus, by Victor Gijsbers verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: They shot you in the leg, the sheriff or one of his men, but you still managed to get away. You always manage to get away. And while they're off pursuing you to, who knows, perhaps Colorado, you have quietly... |
"Do Not Meddle", by Teaspoon Average member rating: Will you be one of the naughty, meddling boys, or the good one who obeys the dictum "DO NOT MEDDLE"? Done largely as an exercise in third-person coding, this is a verbose adaptation of a 19th century Moral... |
[R]espawn, by Javy Gwaltney Average member rating: It�s the future. The remnants of humanity, in the aftermath of a cataclysmic event known only as The Fall, have fled a dying homeworld to seek refuge among the colonies of the solar system. 500 years... |
[You wake up itching.], by Michael S. Gentry Average member rating: This game is an entry in the Mystery House Taken Over project. The story and graphics are adapted from Roberta Williams' original Mystery House. With illustrations subtly changed but in a style like the... |
♥Magical Makeover♥, by S. Woodson verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: "You hold in your hand a pink, heart-shaped card daubed in rosewater and oil of jasmine — an invitation to the Princess Philantha's Grand Equinox Ball. In gilded, sweeping, sweet-smelling calligraphy, the... |
1 AM, by Soundboy Average member rating: Made for Ludum Dare 27. 1 AM is a short piece about how choices shape romantic relationships. I was inspired early on by the idea that the 10 seconds referred to by the theme weren't necessarily consecutive... |
1181, by Grim and notgojira Average member rating: C:\User\█████> "1181 is a Twine inspired by the Fermi paradox, cosmic horror, and Isaiah 34:14." This twine contains multiple endings and is best played in fullscreen. Gail (@notgojira) did the... |
13 Minutes of Light, by Jod verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: Mars is, at best, 13 minutes of light removed from Earth. So when your girlfriend gets on the Commercial Virgin spaceflight to teach at Mars University, you realize the relationship has... a bit of a... |
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds, by Abigail Corfman Average member rating: You're a vampire hunter on your night off. You're getting a manicure, seeing a movie, and eating fast food. But there's a vampire in this McDonalds. If you don't do something, then in one hour it will eat... |
20 Strokes, by PaperBlurt Average member rating: You find yourself in a public swimming pool. Chlorine irritates your skin and you just know that the little boy standing still is taking a whiz. 20 Strokes are required to get from one end to the other. All... |
The 4 Edith, by Roboman Average member rating: |
80 DAYS, by inkle, Meg Jayanth verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: 1872, with a steampunk twist. Phileas Fogg has wagered he can circumnavigate the world in just eighty days. Choose your own route around a 3D globe, travelling by airship, submarine, mechanical camel,... |
9:05, by Adam Cadre verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: The phone rings. Oh, no — how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad. The phone rings. |
Abbess Otilia's Life and Death, by Arno von Borries (as A.B.) verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: In English, on parchment, written in 13th century textualis. Quarto, 14 leaves, in double columns, with rubrication and miniatures. Marginalia in several hands of the 14th and 17th century. |
Academic Pursuits (As Opposed To Regular Pursuits), by ruqiyah verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: Dear Ms. ████████ We are delighted to offer you a position in our architecture department. After your application and interview we are confident you will really sink your teeth into this... |
The Act of Misdirection, by Callico Harrison verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: The curtain lifts to a torrent of applause, as the city's gents and ladies lose their decorum for a just few moments in anticipation of something magical. The spotlights drown the glitter of sequins and... |
AETERNAL, by massivebittrip verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: An existential romp through space-time. (don't miss the new game plus) |
After-Words, by fireisnormal verityvirtue's rating: Average member rating: Resolve problems. Open Gates. Free Skycity. Go home. A game where you explore a surreal floating city, in which all room descriptions, lines of dialogue, item descriptions and action text are a maximum of... |
Afternoon in the House of Secrets, by Anna Anthropy Average member rating: You have come to this enigmatic house in search of the secret that you know is here. You shall not leave until you find it! Made in two hours for the 25th Klik of the Month Klub. |