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'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus

by Victor Gijsbers profile

(based on 19 ratings)
1 review22 members have played this game. It's on 14 wishlists.

About the Story

They shot you in the leg, the sheriff or one of his men, but you still managed to get away. You always manage to get away. And while they're off pursuing you to, who knows, perhaps Colorado, you have quietly made your way back to where it all began. What better place to rest?

In "'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus", the player will have to use a tactical combination of talking and fighting to survive a meeting with David -- the son of the man he has just killed.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 19 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A combat/conversation western with one room and one npc, August 30, 2016

This game is a gunfight and/or conversation with someone who chased you down for shooting a relative.

You can select between a few preset verbs like attack, ready, explain, placate, etc.

There are multiple difficulty levels, some randomization, and an interesting story. Howver, the combat system didn't really work for me, and I wasn't drawn in by the writing.

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1 Off-Site Review

Play This Thing!
Not quite Orestes
'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus raises an old but perennially important question about whether it's possible to stop a cycle of violence. It supports its theme with an ingenious combat and conversation system that keeps the player on edge and forces him to play with some caution for his own safety.

What lets it down is the failure of its writing to convey the human emotions behind such a situation. The philosophical and systematic problems are only problems because of the human capacity for rage and grief -- and Sagebrush doesn't show us those effectively.
See the full review


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'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus on IFDB


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