Games with good rpg elements that are if - an IFDB Poll

by Zzoro26
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I'm looking for a good interactive IF that has good rpg elements

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Beyond Zork, by Brian Moriarty
5 votes
"That's RPG+IF=RPIF!" [+]"That's RPG+IF=RPIF!: One of the best games published by Infocom." --zhaofeng... "The RPG elements" [+]"The RPG elements: ... are mainly the mechanical (your character has stats, monsters have hit points, that kind of thing), but they're well-integrated with the game's chain of puzzles, and the entire experience is nearly the pinnacle of Infocom's enviable achievements. Really, this is a game to play for the excellent writing, semi-surreal satiric worldbuilding and clever design ... but yeah, RPG elements are there, too!" () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Mr. Patient... (No comment) [+](No comment) --strivenword... "you can build a..." [+]"you can build a character by arranging their stats, the stats have impact on some puzzles (reading scrolls) and combat. All the stats can be brought in-game to appropriate levels to win the game, and wands can get around stat necessitites, so they are more "for show" than necessary, but still a neat experiment. " ( - Full review) --tggdan3...

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Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom, by S. John Ross
4 votes
"Sitting quietly in the shadow" [+]"Sitting quietly in the shadow: ... of Beyond Zork in many design particulars, ToaSK is literally based on an RPG ("Encounter Critical"), though the RPG elements preserved in it are mainly used to repackage IF puzzles in a flexible game-stat form (monsters serve as doors, having enough beef/experience/gear to get past them becomes a set of "keys" you can acquire via multiple/nonlinear means). But since three other folks already voted for it, I don't feel TOO embarrassed about chiming in for my little contribution to things :)" --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Mr. Patient... "Large, with the..." [+]"Large, with the combat being simplistic and often unfair, but good fun." --Victor Gijsbers... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Kerkerkruip, by Victor Gijsbers
4 votes
"A roguelike..." [+]"A roguelike roleplaying game, with a complex combat system." --Victor Gijsbers... "Certainly the..." [+]"Certainly the most strategic Inform combat game to date, and with great permutations of content." ( - Full review) --Wade Clarke... "Rougelikes..." [+]"Rougelikes qualify as having RPG elements, yes?" () --trojo... (No comment) [+](No comment) --SparkyIF...

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Wumpus 2000, by Muffy St. Bernard
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --strivenword... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DAB...

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Leadlight, by Wade Clarke
2 votes
"Horror RPG" [+]"Horror RPG: Very good and easy to install. For both mac and windows." ( - Full review) --Denk... "Console game..." [+]"Console game survival horror style in a text CRPG format. This is my own game." --Wade Clarke...

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Journey, by Marc Blank
1 vote
"Ensemble party of adventurers!" [+]"Ensemble party of adventurers!: Journey is a bit like an interactive diary of a good old-timey RPG campaign, and includes one of the rarer RPG elements in IF: you have a whole party of adventurers with disparate personalities and abilities, rather than a lone protagonist. It isn't as well-regarded or often-mentioned as Infocom's other fantasy titles (perhaps because it's more CYOA and less parser-y, or perhaps because it's entirely separate from the Zork/Enchanter/Wishbringer universe, striking out with its own worldbuilding), but I think it's pretty spiff." () --Ghalev...

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'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus, by Victor Gijsbers
1 vote
"The first game..." [+]"The first game using my ATTACK combat system; although it is heavy on conversation, there is also a lot of RPG-like combat going on. (One-room; my own game.)" --Victor Gijsbers...

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Heroes, by Sean Barrett
1 vote
"Explores the..." [+]"Explores the RPG-like idea of approaching the same problem with different character types." () --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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Chicks Dig Jerks, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
"The last place you would expect to find RPG elements" [+]"The last place you would expect to find RPG elements: It's buried in the source code. From there, you'll see how to activate it in the actual story." ( - Full review) --mjhayes...

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The Reliques of Tolti-Aph, by Graham Nelson
1 vote
"Playing this game..." [+]"Playing this game feels like playing a truly old school D&D adventure." ( - Full review) --Victor Gijsbers...

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A Runcible Cargo, by Thomas Ferguson
1 vote
"Well designed and fun" [+]"Well designed and fun: You can share your character, armor and weapons between the various Eamon Deluxe games. You May also meget friends Who Will assist you in your battles. " ( - Full review) --Denk...

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Redemption, by Sam Ruby
1 vote
"My favorite Eamon game, thus you can gain better weapons and armour." [+]"My favorite Eamon game, thus you can gain better weapons and armour." ( - Full review) --Denk...

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Magocracy, by Joseph Rheaume
1 vote
"Not entirely..." [+]"Not entirely successful, but it tries to present a pretty complicated RPG." --Victor Gijsbers...

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Game Title (or TUID or IFID):

Poll created on September 30, 2011