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♥Magical Makeover♥

by S. Woodson profile

(based on 62 ratings)
Estimated play time: 50 minutes (based on 2 votes)
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8 reviews81 members have played this game. It's on 50 wishlists.

About the Story

"You hold in your hand a pink, heart-shaped card daubed in rosewater and oil of jasmine — an invitation to the Princess Philantha's Grand Equinox Ball. In gilded, sweeping, sweet-smelling calligraphy, the card expresses best wishes to one Dame Demitria of Dolcet. You are not Dame Demitria. How did you acquire her invitation? Don't worry about it. You have a long day ahead of you."

An interactive story inspired in part by fairy-tales, and in part by terrible "makeover" Flash games targeted towards girls. There are seven routes/endings in total.

*Update, 10/31/2015: Uploaded a new version with larger text and better editing. The game is now hosted on both Philome.la and itch.io.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 62 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 8

3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Body-Horror Godmother, March 22, 2015
by Sam Kabo Ashwell (Seattle)

A familiar tack of Twine advocacy pieces: take some problematic social issue, particularly as expressed through games, and make it grotesque and unsettling. In this case, it’s a satire/re-appropriation of beauty-oriented games targeted at young girls: beauty products are presented as uncanny magic, and have actually-transformational results with strange consequences. There is a judgy magic mirror.

Mechanically, it’s a Sorting Hat kind of game: your choices of beauty product determine which of several branches you find yourself going down, most of which are pure-choiceless. Although the results are weird and are at least informed by Twine’s strong taste for body-horror, they don’t get so visceral as to make the piece unsuitable for its ostensive audience; and the story progresses away from its beauty-myth opening into fantasy adventure that’s only tangentially related. The on-the-nose theme and long linear sections could easily have rendered the piece tedious, but it’s buoyed up by a pleasant Diana Wynne Jones-ish ordinariness-of-the-fantastic charm.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Entertaining, if wordy, parody, February 27, 2015*
by verityvirtue (London)
Related reviews: sanguine

Magical Makeover is a self-styled parody of over-the-top Flash games 'for girls', namely those whose interactivity consists wholly of choosing outfits. It starts with floridly named makeup products and a rhyming, snarky mirror but delves into a touch of body horror, and into riffs off fairy tales.

This game is generous, in various senses of the word. The writer revels in description, evoking sparkly, colourful images. While the passages got lengthy at times, this was made up for by the wit: the game lampshades tropes from fairy tales and adventure stories. ‘Lampshades’ doesn’t even begin to describe it - much of the game felt more like an exuberant riff.

The level of story branching was certainly generous as well. As the author says, there are seven possible endings, but I was impressed by how distinct and well-developed each of them were, with their own backstories.

* This review was last edited on May 24, 2016
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Grew on me, October 31, 2014

The first time I played through Magical Makeover, I enjoyed the descriptive writing and snappy dialogue, but wasn't sure how sold I was on the game's low-choice structure. But after a few replays, I started to see how the different paths hinted at each other and played off my growing understanding of the game's universe.

"Quirky" can be kind of an off-putting descriptor, but this really is a pleasantly quirky game, just wry and satirical enough to avoid becoming insipid, but just sweet enough to dodge cynicism. I look forward to more work from this author.

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