
Nässjö, Sweden

Member since January 3, 2009
Last visited June 16, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): sh230hodfqjm8uv0

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News about games authored by Fredrik (RSS Feed)
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Recommended Lists by Fredrik

Computer Assisted Language Learning - 15 items   January 5, 2011
As an English teacher I have sometimes used IF as a tool for language learning. IF is exceptionally well suited for that purpose, except...

Tolkien's Middle-earth games - 44 items   January 11, 2009
Games that are explicitly set in the fantasy world Middle-earth, created by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Polls by Fredrik

Bugs that you can take advantage of - 12 votes for 12 games; created April 8, 2013
Bugs are an annoyance, usually, but in some rare cases, bugs can actually make the life of an adventurer easier. Some bugs can help you...

Best IF Titles - 179 votes for 60 games; created February 13, 2011
No doubt you have played some great games with great titles, or been disappointed to find games with great titles that did not hold up to...

Wandering NPCs - 64 votes for 38 games; created January 7, 2011
I have always been fascinated with games that have several wandering and independent NPCs, especially when you have the ability to try to...

Type-in games - 6 votes for 6 games; created January 4, 2011
I can only guess that I was not the only one spending hours upon hours typing in those BASIC listings from magazines and books back in...

Spanish games - 24 votes for 20 games; created November 2, 2010
I really need to improve my rotten Spanish, and I can think of no better way to do it than by playing IF. But there are tons of games out...

Reviews by Fredrik

Ausflug am Wochenende nach München, by Brett Shelton, David Neville, Brian McInnis   January 13, 2011
"I personally owe a great debt to interactive fiction. Games like Adventureland, Zork I and The Hobbit helped me build the foundation of..." - See the full review

Fredrik's Played Games List

99Y, by Martin Vilcans and Staffan Vilcans
The Hoppit, by Gareth Pitchford
Treasures of Barsoom, by Microdeal
Werner's Quest, by Jan Åberg
El Anillo Regente, by José Baltasar García Perez-Schofield

See all 132 entries in the Played List