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by Scott Adams profile

(based on 44 ratings)
4 reviews56 members have played this game. It's on 18 wishlists.

About the Story

Wander through an enchanted realm and try to uncover the 13 lost treasures. There are wild animals and magical beings to reckon with as well as many other perils and mysteries.

WARNING! The Z-Code conversion of this game is certifiably buggy.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 44 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 4

3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
Ancient History!, April 5, 2008
by Grunion Guy (Portland)

I can credit this game with my love of text adventure games. I played it when I was quite young on my Vic-20. And even though the game is sparsely detailed with a frustrating parser compared to today's games, it was quite exciting and kept me coming back to try and solve its unfair puzzles. Not really much to look at now, it might be worth checking out.

(Spoiler - click to show)The bear puzzle. Am I the only one who, even at the young age I was, solved it by becoming completely frustrated with the bear and typing screw bear? The old parser only read the first three letters of every word and the intended solution was, apparently, scream bear. So imagine my surprise when I typed Screw Bear and the response was 'The bear is so startled it falls off the ledge.' Awesome. I think it's the only game I ever had to resort to bestiality to solve a problem. Thanks Scott Adams!

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
A great way to fit a lot of game in a small space, May 13, 2017*

This was, I believe, the first commercial text adventure. Certainly the first successful one; although Adventure and Dungeon were much more descriptive, this game fit on everyone's systems.

Gargoyle can play this game if you change .dat files to .saga. Scott Adams' website has an interpreter for these games as of 2017.

This game is ultra-minimalistic, with room descriptions often empty or as short as possible. The parser takes only two words at a time; only the first three letters of each word are read.

The game is actually quite fun, especially if you're willing to spend a long time playing around with it. It achieves the 'long time'-ness by having several situations that lock you out of victory without you realizing it, and by requiring a lot of combinations of items.

Before I played it, I thought it was an Adventure rip off, but they are very, very dissimilar. It's like the way that Antz and A Bug's Life are similar, or Monster's Inc and Shrek. They are vaguely similar, but not really.

* This review was last edited on June 5, 2017
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
The one that got me started., April 14, 2017*
by H. W. Wiliams (Sweden)

I can remember when I first sat behind my C64, I was young and hooked on this game. Though it hasn't aged that well I can still sit down and play this for hours at end. If you haven't played this piece of history I say you should. It's a nice look back to what the past was like.

* This review was last edited on April 15, 2017
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2 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

A game of historical significance: originally written in TRS-80 BASIC, this was the first adventure game to be widely available on microcomputers. It's a minimalist treasure hunt set in and around a cave - an imitation of Colossal Cave, only without the prose. Good sense of freedom, somewhat eccentric design, two-word parser (except the Inform port), magic words, a maze, and a limited light source.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

Page 6
Scott Adams' Adventureland
It may have been Will Crowther and Don Woods who wrote the very first Adventure (see last issue's Adventure Column), but it was Scott Adams who made Adventures available to the masses. His name is synonymous with Adventures and there are very few computer owners who haven't heard of him.

Adams was first introduced to Original Adventure by his fellow employees while working as a systems programmer for Stromberg Carlson. For almost ten days, he went to work early and stayed late. He told his wife that he was working on a heavy project, when in fact he was playing Adventure. When he'd achieved the title of Grand Master, he became intrigued with the idea of getting some sort of Adventure into his own computer – a 16k TRS-80. When he mentioned this to his friends, they laughed! After all, the original FORTRAN version took 300k!
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