
New Zealand

Top 100 Reviewer
Member since January 23, 2008
Last visited August 5, 2012
Profile ID (TUID): xribx0wbkwgdkw60

I'm a spare-time player of IF, an amateur Inform 7 programmer, and a haunter of raif. I'm rubbish at puzzles, so I tend to prefer conversation-oriented games -- please bear this bias in mind when you read my reviews, as they generally do favor the puzzle light.

I've changed names on this site a few times - I'm currently Rose, but I have previously been IcyChoc and Laela. Just to avoid any possible (but unlikely) confusion.

My rating system:
* So bad I couldn't finish it
** Bad, but finishable
*** Okay but bland
**** Enjoyable, but missing a few essential elements
***** An excellent game missing very little

Recommended Lists by Rose

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by Rose

Influential Games - 509 votes for 65 games; created February 1, 2009
As a historical exercise, I've begun compiling a list of IF games that have either done something ground breaking with the medium or...

Reviews by Rose

Monday, 16:30, by Alexander "Mordred" Andonov   July 15, 2010
""Escape the locked room" games have been done so many times it's very difficult to write this genre in a way that feels original. Monday,..." - See the full review

Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed   July 14, 2010
"The words 'interactive fiction' imply a story you can truly influence - that you're part of the process of telling the story...." - See the full review

Fine-Tuned, by Dennis Jerz   July 13, 2010
"Right from the pun-filled title, Fine-Tuned promises a fun ride. You play Troy Sterling, a wannabe dashing hero who charges around the..." - See the full review

The Duel in the Snow, by Utkonos   November 30, 2009
"The Duel in the Snow is a strong, short piece with very strong emotional impact. A story of betrayal, danger and lost love, this game..." - See the full review

The Legend of Lady Magaidh, by Daniel Freas   September 15, 2009
"A very interesting section of a larger story. I'd love to know more about the surrounding tale; but fitting in more exposition just..." - See the full review

See all 18 reviews by Rose
See all ratings and reviews by Rose

Rose's Played Games List

How Suzy Got Her Powers, by David Whyld
It, by Emily Boegheim
The Hours, by Robert Patten
A Comedy of Error Messages, by Adam Le Doux
Cold Iron, by Andrew Plotkin (as Lyman Clive Charles)

See all 68 entries in the Played List