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"The rules of the game are easy. I'm It, so I go and hide. You and the others count to 50, then you have to look for me. If you find me, you have to get into the hiding spot with me. If you're the last person still looking for me, then you lose. Got it?"
(You can play online by clicking the Play Online button in the top right-hand corner of the page, or download the latest version of "it.t3" to play offline. Please note that versions of It from 2.0 onwards require a recent TADS interpreter, and not all interpreters are up to date at the moment. Gargoyle will not currently run the game, as its TADS interpreter is too old. I recommend using QTads instead.)
16th Place - 17th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2011)
| Average Rating: Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2 |
Emily Boegheim's It explores the social dynamics among four girls (one of them the protagonist) engaged in a children's game like hide-and-seek. My first impressions were good, largely because the hiding game itself is well implemented. Room descriptions make spatial relations clear and have an appropriate focus on potential hiding places. SEARCH and LOOK IN/UNDER/BEHIND seem to be treated as synonyms, avoiding guess-the-verb problems. The other girls are realistically visible from a distance, and react to the protagonist's actions.
After the first playthrough (which doesn't take long), it's clear that the hiding game really isn't fair (at least not if you play by the rules), and that the characters have a personal and emotional stake in the outcome. Replaying several times is expected, and It is polished enough to make that enjoyable. NPC actions are not randomised or especially complicated, so with knowledge from replays, engineering a desired outcome isn't too difficult. It's also possible to disregard the hiding game, and some of the most memorable endings can be found this way.
It feels genuinely interactive in that the player can try nearly any plausible action, and more often than not be rewarded with a novel outcome or further insight into the characters and their relationships. In my case, the result was that I ended up trying to find as many endings as possible – still treating It as a game even when not trying to win the internal hiding game. Someone less concerned with exhausting the available possibilities might be satisfied by finding a single appropriate response to the unfair situation that It portrays. On either approach, It ought to be rewarding.
In this game, you play a girl playing hide and seek at a party. The party is at Emma's house, and Emma's mom is the employer of your mom and some other people's mom. Emma is well-dressed and you other three are not. There is a poorer red haired girl you don't know, and Emma's croney Yvonne.
The game ends very quickly, but you can find a lot of endings. I found at least 5 or 6. The most satisfying ending to me ignores Emma and finds you a new friend.
The programming and NPCs are quite well done. It's a fun little take on girl's social structures.
Paean to Wanderings
[...] it's a good piece, but I found myself wanting something richer and more involved.
See the full review
Version 2.2 of It is now on the IF Archive and making its way to a mirror near you! Changes in this version include:
More interestingly, I have now also released the source code! If you were considering desperate measures to see all the endings, you can forget those desperate measures, because the source code package contains a neat list of endings and test scripts for each of them. Marvel at the heretofore unknown density of Stuff To Do! Wonder at the design choices that led to many endings being effectively undiscoverable! Steal my wobbly code for your own TADS projects!
Version 2.1 went up on the IF Archive last night (Australia time) and will hopefully percolate through to all the mirrors soon. It's a minor release with just a few bugfixes:
Thanks to NR Turner and ralphmerridew for spotting and reporting a couple of these bugs, and to me for spotting and reporting the other one!
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