Robin & Orchid, by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim (2013) (68 ratings) High school journalists spend the night in a church, investigating reports of a ghost.
It, by Emily Boegheim (2011) (32 ratings) "The rules of the game are easy. I'm It, so I go and hide. You and the others count to 50, then you have to look for me. If you find me, you have to get into the hiding spot with me. If you're the...
You are Maurice Ravel, the noted composer. You must find a way to escape from your study, for your poor friend — now your zombified ex-friend — Claude Debussy lurks outside!
What are some good games for people trying to learn another language? I imagine that short games with relatively simple prose and not too...
Reviews by Emily Boegheim
The Dog/House, by Byron Alexander Campbell December 23, 2010 (edited: December 24, 2010)
"The Dog/House is a very short, simple game, driven by dream logic. It opens with the player character in a doghouse, next to a sleeping..." - See the full review