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Version 2.0 released
February 13, 2013 6:07 PM
In honour of Valentine's Day, I am releasing a new version of my game about children being mean to each other. It contains a miscellaneous collection of bug-fixes, minor textual edits, and small changes to make the game more user-friendly and forgiving.

The main change is that there is now also a WebUI version of the game that you can play online. If you want to play offline, I would suggest downloading the standard UI version of the game, not the WebUI version, since most TADS 3 interpreters don't yet support WebUI games. But it's up to you. The two versions should be equivalent, apart from a few trivial differences in presentation, mostly related to how they present the title screen at the beginning of the game.

Unless any major bugs appear (please let me know if you spot any), I'm calling this the final version of It. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on the competition version! I hope you enjoy(ed) the game!

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