H. W. Wiliams


Member since April 1, 2017
Last visited August 19, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): 2nzj0skpo7sa2h3

I've played IF as a child back in the days of the C64 and Vc 20. I was hooked, it was like a passion, and with that happening I soon discovered the ability to write my own. It's been a long journey of playing and now writing that I don't want to ever stop. I'm new to this community and I hope to make a lot of friends and share some laughs. I love the Mystery type of games that lead you to enjoy the atmosphere. I hope you enjoy my stories and I hope to hear from you.

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Interactive Fiction by H. W. Wiliams

Death Checks In, by H.W. Williams

DATELINE...The Gray Owl Inn, once the place for tired travelers is now the scene of a baffling murder. A young lady with the whole world before here was taken away recently. The residents of the...

The King's Riddle, by H.W. Williams

The world isn't the place you once knew it as...DATELINE, the life of your loving sister and a child lay in the balance of death. It is up to you, too save the lives of the innocent, before time...

Dial K for Kidnapping, by H.W. Williams

DATELINE...Paris...A long lost love returns in need of your services. She informs you that her beloved Uncle, an employee of the Government has gone missing. Possible MURDER? A game of Spy vs Spy?...

The South Shall Rise Again, by H.W. Williams

DATELINE...Murder and greed run rampant in the small sleepy town of Farrell, Mississippi. A mysterious Confederate secret, a family torn apart by the poisoning of greed. And we are back at it again...

Love, Romance, and Murder, by H.W. Williams

A speed dating even gone wrong. A jilted lover takes matters into his own hands. It's 3 am and you are forced to quickly finish off that cup of coffee you were hoping to enjoy. But crime doesn't...

See all 17 games by H. W. Wiliams

Recommended Lists by H. W. Wiliams

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Polls by H. W. Wiliams

Trying to find a good comedy. - 80 votes for 45 games; created July 31, 2017
I'm hoping to find a good comedy IF title. I've been away for a while and want a good laugh before I head back to work. Any suggestions?

Looking for games that take place between the 50's and 60's - 7 votes for 5 games; created April 4, 2017
I'm interested in playing some great noir style games in any genre really.

Reviews by H. W. Wiliams

Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling   April 24, 2017
"One of the finest IF games I've ever played. I remember sitting at my old computer for hours just mapping out this game. If you like..." - See the full review

Adventureland, by Scott Adams   April 14, 2017 (edited: April 15, 2017)
"I can remember when I first sat behind my C64, I was young and hooked on this game. Though it hasn't aged that well I can still sit down..." - See the full review

The Mist, by Raymond Benson and Stephen King   April 10, 2017
"Honestly, I liked it. Though a very minimalist style of game, though the random events that take place after you die, does get repetitive..." - See the full review