Underrated Menu-Driven Games

Recommendations by forgepoet

Menu-driven games that I think should have wider exposure. Games that might not be perfect but deserve better than no reviews or no rating.

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1. Leonard Robinson and the Quest for the Gift, by samyuol (2013)
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
forgepoet says:

A surprisingly fun, punchy piece let down by a rough first few pages.

2. Play Nice
by alicethornburgh
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

forgepoet says:

A logic puzzle of intergalactic proportions... okay, not really, but amusing and clever.

3. Quit Your Job Simulator 2014
by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel)
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

forgepoet says:

Sends up the "stuck in an office" trope quite effectively, and then lets you do something about it.

4. Duck Ted Bundy, by Coleoptera-Kinbote (2014)
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
forgepoet says:

Not one for the kids. A game that somehow isn't as stupid or careless as it first seems.

5. The Girl in the Haunted House, by Amanda Lange (2014)
Average member rating: (13 ratings)
forgepoet says:

Like a creepy, grown-up version of an old Choose Your Own Adventure book.

6. 6-Million Dollar Tricycle Co-op!
by Solon
Average member rating: (1 rating)

forgepoet says:

As whimsical and earnest as a toddler on a mission.

7. INFECTION , by varshajay (2013)
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
forgepoet says:

If you don't giggle at the end, there's something wrong with you. (Or maybe I'm just easily amused.)

8. The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil, by Marius Müller (2011)
Average member rating: (5 ratings)
forgepoet says:

Especially funny if you've played a lot of parser IF. (Okay, and there's a tiny "gotcha" near the end.) This one should definitely be online somewhere.

9. Who Among Us, by Tia Orisney (2013)
Average member rating: (11 ratings)
forgepoet says:

This is my kind of game -- pure entertainment.

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