The first time I played a text adventure was on my braille note apex in elementary school. Some were easy, some were hard. Some I loved, and some not so much. No matter what my opinions are these games introduced me to something I'd enjoy for probably the rest of my life, so they all deserve a place of their own. So here are all of those games. They're in the same order they appeared in the game selection list on my braille note, or at least the best I can remember it.
1. The Dreamhold by Andrew Plotkin (2004) Average member rating: (180 ratings)
Zoe Victoria says:
This game helped me learn how to play interactive fiction, but it took me a long while to figure out how to win. So even though it was the first game I really made progress in, it wasn't the first one I beat.
2. Colossal Cave Adventure by William Crowther and Donald Woods (1976) Average member rating: (96 ratings)
Zoe Victoria says:
Now that I know how much of a classic this game is, I know it would be a Crime If it weren't one of the games that came with my braille note. It was pretty frustrating for me and took a long time for me to beat, but I felt incredibly proud of myself once I finally did.
3. A Bear's Night Out by David Dyte (1997) Average member rating: (66 ratings)
Zoe Victoria says:
I really enjoyed playing this one when I was younger, the puzzles as well as built in hints were really great.
4. Curses by Graham Nelson (1993) Average member rating: (130 ratings)
Zoe Victoria says:
One of the two games I've yet to beat, the puzzles are unforgivable On this one. I'm planning on trying again though. The story went over my head at the time but I remember thinking
5. Gourmet by Aaron A. Reed and Chad Barb (2003) Average member rating: (54 ratings)
Zoe Victoria says:
I rather enjoyed this one, though I thought it was a bit gross at times. But I was a little girl so what do you expect?
6. Hunter, in Darkness, by Andrew Plotkin (1999) Average member rating: (122 ratings) Zoe Victoria says:
I didn't really enjoy this game that much, a little too dark and violent for my ten-year-old brain. But I finished it, in both ways.