
Recommendations by mjhayes (Somewhere east of Garinham)

In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, some games were so bad that somebody decided to come along and spoof them. Not all of them work on all interpreters, but it's good to play through each one for a few laughs.

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1. Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents "Detective", by C. E. Forman, Matt Barringer, Graeme Cree, and Stuart Moore (1995)
Average member rating: (57 ratings)
mjhayes says:

The first MiSTing, based on the "first attempt at a text adventure game" called Detective. All the jabs at how awful this game was, make this worthwhile to play through once.

2. Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents "A Fable", by Graeme Cree (1996)
Average member rating: (8 ratings)
mjhayes says:

The second MiSTing, based on an obscure old game. Obviously the game was more of a "stream of consciousness" set into a "maze of twisty little passages," but the comments injected into many of the rooms are hilarious!

3. Stiffy Makane: Mystery Science Theater 3000, by Anonymous (1998)
Average member rating: (16 ratings)
mjhayes says:

A MiSTing of a crummy pseudo-erotic IF piece whose full name is "The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane." Neither the game nor the MiSTing is all that good.

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