
Top 100 Reviewer
Member since June 13, 2017
Last visited July 26, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): y4p7o8rzlyssad0k

Five stars is not a terribly generous choice to chose from. With two decades of interactive fiction under my belt I decided to give -
* for a "game" that's a waste of time - not entertaining, not interactive
** for a bad game
*** for a game that doesn't qualify as "bad" but neither qualifies as "good"
**** for a good game
***** for a game that qualifies for an IF canon, that I'd recommend to IF n00bs, that should be on Wikipedia
I like good stories, good puzzles and good parsers. To be more precise: Puzzles that blend into the story and that are not hampered by a subprime parser. Think Anchorhead. Anchorhead's parser could be improved, but otherwise it was fine.

Recommended Lists by Nomad

My favourite games of all time - 11 items   August 19, 2022
I like parser games with easy puzzles that play in a detailed game world. That's two completely different things: I love to dive into a...

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Reviews by Nomad

The Raven Circle, by Cressida St. Claire   May 16, 2024
"Great premise: A self-invented game world with a self-invented religious system, and some ritual is going on. Plenty directions to go..." - See the full review

Das Spiel, by Alexander Klimon   August 24, 2023
"The game starts with a classic plot: Three girls visit the remote country house if a distant relative with the intention to have a party..." - See the full review

Der Doppelgänger, by Alexander Klimon   August 24, 2023
"An interesting story frame, to say something positive. A very cliché-ridden fantasy world. Quite some slips of the pen - wrong genders,..." - See the full review

The Awakening: Prologue to the Saturn Chronicles, by PKProStudio   August 24, 2023
"Story: The prologue of the The Awakening series (that never came to life) doesn't have much of a story. You start in an every day..." - See the full review

Another Terminal Beach, by Mike Bonsall   May 28, 2023
"The works of James Graham Ballard offer a very(!) interesting background for IF games. The author of this one, Mike Bonsall, is not..." - See the full review

See all 49 reviews by Nomad
See all ratings and reviews by Nomad