Reviews by Nomad

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The Raven Circle, by Cressida St. Claire

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Below average, May 16, 2024

Great premise: A self-invented game world with a self-invented religious system, and some ritual is going on. Plenty directions to go from here.

Unfortunately, neither the religious system nor the game world are being fleshed out. You're a vampire, you've done bad, you're punished, then you go to a dungeon to fight a deity, and that's it.

The game world has potential and I really want to know more about it, and because of this I was very tempted to give a third star, but in the end the game disappointed me because of its shallowness. I'll follow the author tho, because potential is definitely there.

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Das Spiel, by Alexander Klimon

0 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Nice story with little interactivity. , August 24, 2023

The game starts with a classic plot: Three girls visit the remote country house if a distant relative with the intention to have a party there. The relative is not at home, the girls enter the house and settle down, a storm rises, the house has an old secret, and the girls discover an old ouja board. The writing is nice in general; sonetimes one has the impression that it's based on an English story as some terms seem to be clumsy translations.

The interactivity is limited to navigating through the house and examining about one item per room by clicking on it. In the beginning this has a bit of potential as a story begins to unfold, but a few clicks later the game is over without answering any questions. The term "game" thus seems a bit toplofty. Worth the ten minutes read, but forgotten soon.

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Der Doppelgänger, by Alexander Klimon

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Meh, August 24, 2023

An interesting story frame, to say something positive. A very cliché-ridden fantasy world. Quite some slips of the pen - wrong genders, pronouns without attributions etc. The playthrough I chose was very, very dull (Spoiler - click to show)("Patriarch-Bischof, you're evil!" - "Yeah right, sorry. Won't happen again." - "Okay bye!") but other paths may be more interesting. Contains music that suits very well. I wish the author would work on a parser game with emphasis on the game world, for imho that's where he shines.

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The Awakening: Prologue to the Saturn Chronicles, by PKProStudio

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Meh., August 24, 2023

Story: The prologue of the The Awakening series (that never came to life) doesn't have much of a story. You start in an every day situation, then you are transported into a sci-fi world, and then the prologue is over. Would one want to know more? Not me. 2/5.

Writing: Solid minimalism. Decent by late 1990's standard, but this one was written in 2010. Almost a 3, but quite a few stylistic bloopers. 2/5.

Puzzles: Game's on rails, and it's only seven moves to the end, so there's not that much puzzle to place. 1/5.

Implementation: That little game that there is is implemented solidly. Parser fails if you try odd stuff, but you don't have you, so it's... sufficient. 3/5.

Fun: Ends before it can become interesting. 1/5.

The verdict: 1.9/5 - A bad experience. But then, it's the author's first (and only, as it seems) attempt at writing IF. I bet chapter two would have been a 2.9.

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Another Terminal Beach, by Mike Bonsall

0 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Wasted Potential, May 28, 2023

The works of James Graham Ballard offer a very(!) interesting background for IF games. The author of this one, Mike Bonsall, is not exactly a novice to the works of Ballard. Problem is, his approach to IF is a different one to that which most players would want to take.

Bonsall manages to capture Ballard's writing style and his world building. That's hardly a miracle, with Bonsall having profound knowledge of Ballard's works. But the game is flawed in two ways that spoil it for pretty much every player: Wrong moves lead to your death, and the implementation is minimal. Like, you have two directions to chose from and chose the first one, and you die. And there's an exit east through a door but you can't go east or open the door but have to type "enter door". Sorry Mike, but Scott Adams did better, back in 1978.

So, while the game world and the writing are awesome, the game sucks as f**k. Due to the "wrong exit = death" policy a reworking would be very laborous. This one's a fail, unfortunately.

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Alcohol solves everything, by Christos Dimitrakakis

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Meh., February 11, 2023

You are in a guest bedroom. In a house. That's the story. What do you expect from a SpeedIF game?

ASE is full of bugs. Error messages fill your screen every now and then. Items and verbs are not implemented. "Get all" reveals all items in the room, visible or not. Items act weird. The intro states "This is a SUCKY version - not much enjoyment can be derived from it.", and yeah, that's not exactly a lie.

The rooms descriptions are nice. Maybe there's something interesting to discover in the house. I won't find out, coz the bugs and lack of implementation keep my motivation at bay.

Waste of time.

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The Adventure, by Chris Kerton

5 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Not recommended., December 2, 2022

The Adventure was written in BASIC by some high school kid in 1988. The setting is a high school (presumably the author's) with just a handfull of rooms. It's basically a CYOA without the "A"; the required input is a one-letter command from a choice of six. All you can do is move (NESW), "K"ill and "T"alk. Wrong move kills you at sight. So all you can do is try and error until you reach the positive end? Punchline: There is no positive end. The longest chain of commands will still result in death.

Someone with too much spare time ported this game to Inform 6. Still pondering whether that was an justiciable act. Playing this game feels like unlawful detention. Pun intended.

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Halloween, by Spooky Interactive

1 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Argh., September 2, 2022

So you're supposed to find a haunted house (which is right in front of you but on an island) and challenge a ghost inside. A bit generic, but probably suitable for the Halloween theme. Probably homebrew parser. And that's where the trouble starts.

Typical two-word parser ambience. Okayish room descriptions, though punctuation makes them hard to read at times. Rooms are incoherent, here you're in an orchard, one step south you're on a beach that's never been mentioned before. You can only interact with what's mentioned as "Here is ...". The text is written in caps lock, which is annoying, if only mildly. The parser does not accept abbreviations. The room descriptions do not indicate available exits. Sudden death is possible if you move in the wrong direction.

Back in 1980 this might have been a smasher, but really, I'm too old for this shit.

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Escape from Byron Bay, by Allen Heard

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Meh, June 27, 2022

Okayish setting: You're an employee in some medical laboratory, something's turning the population into zombies(?), you got to escape and maybe find out what's happening.

Problem is, Quest (the engine used here) seems to entice authors to be sloppy about implementation. Objects in room description can't be examined, verbs are not working, everything's underclued. I didn't get very far. A pity, for I would have loved to know whether there's a good story behind the game.

In terms of tech, there's photos of rooms and some objects. Good in general, but not very well implemented - the pictures don't blend in well with the general interface, and don't have a common style. A general problem if you're using pictures from the net.

I would love to love this game more, but in its current state I found it annoying.

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Disabled by..., by Beest

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Argh!, June 25, 2022

Physically disabled PC goes through college. Not the worst setting, but the "game" is in fact just one big rant against ignorant society, and a link container for websites dealing with the topic. In other words: A primitive infomercial for a good cause. Injunction: Support the cause, ignore this "game".

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