Made me laugh an honest laugh.

Recommendations by Rovarsson (Belgium)

Games that made me laugh sincerely at least once, during play or when thinking about them later.

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1. Jack Toresal and The Secret Letter, by Mike Gentry and David Cornelson (2009)
Average member rating: (8 ratings)
Rovarsson says:

A nostalgic laugh, thinking of the boy who read this kind of adventure stories on endless wednesday afternoons.

2. Dragon Flies Like Labradorite
by Troy Jones III
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

No matter how high or low a form of humor, I love puns.

3. Molly and the Butter Thieves
by Alice Grove (as Cosmic Hamster)
Average member rating: (15 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

Tiny footprints in the butter...

4. Illuminismo Iniziato
by Michael J. Coyne
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

The sidekick's commentary alone is reason to play and replay this one. Ask her about her friends...

5. Risorgimento Represso
by Michael J. Coyne
Average member rating: (44 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

Allthough I saw the punchline coming, the opening puzzle of this game was as funny as it was gross.

6. Augmented Fourth
by Brian Uri!
Average member rating: (65 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

The hilariousness of this game made me get through the hardness of its puzzles.

7. Yes, Another Game with a Dragon!, by John Kean (2000)
Average member rating: (24 ratings)
Rovarsson says:

Laughing all through the game.

8. Lydia's Heart
by Jim Aikin
Average member rating: (30 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

The solution to one of the puzzles is such a break with the tense atmosphere of this slow-horror game that I got out of my chair hiccuping from laughter.

9. Finding Martin
by G.K. Wennstrom
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Rovarsson says:

Several times, but when a certain character from a certain sci-fi series showed up, I was well and truly delighted!

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