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Love/Violence Jam

10 games
The Love/Violence jam is all about messy feelings and messy actions. It challenges authors to tell a story about love and violence, one as a metaphor for the other, one masquerading as the other, or some less-defined relationship between...

Nouvim 3000 - 2024 edition

11 games
La NOUVIM 3000, 6e édition ! 1. Quoi ? Pour quand ? Un mois pour réaliser une toute petite aventure textuelle de 501 à 3000 mots ! On cherche ici avant tout des aventures hypertextes à la Twine (mais pouvant être réalisées avec d'autres...

ParserComp 2024

17 games
ParserComp is for previously unreleased, parser-based text games: games which take a free-text input, parse it, and produce an output which typically is more text.

Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024

10 games; award date June 1, 2024
This is the fourth annual Text Adventure Literacy Jam. The aim of the jam is to write a text adventure that is suitable for players with little or no prior experience of playing text adventures. The game must include an in-game tutorial....


27 games
Welcome to Really Bad IF, the unranked interactive fiction jam where the goal is to simply make really bad IF games. Bring your terribly written, bug-riddled coded, nonsensical-story games along!

Locus Jam 2024

15 games
The Locus Jam is an interactive fiction mini-jam all about places, spaces, and rooms. Come create an IF piece set in one specific place! This jam is a commemoration of Porpentine's Locus Jam.

Spring Thing 2024

33 games in 3 divisions; award date May 11, 2024
Spring Thing, also known as the Autumnal Jumble, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...

14th IF Grand Prix 2024

5 games; award date May 2, 2024
German language IF competition as announced on Oct 31, 2023 on if-de forum

Dialogue Jam 2024

33 games
The Dialogue Jam is a month-long unranked jam all about communication between characters. Whether through verbal dialogue or written correspondence, this jam aims to bring discussions forward.

French Comp 2024

21 games in 5 divisions; award date April 9, 2024
The 17th Edition of the French Comp. That year, the themes were "Illusion" and "Venu d'ailleurs" ("From elsewhere").

SeedComp! - 2024

14 games in 10 divisions; award date April 9, 2024

Independent Games Festival 2024

1 game; award date March 20, 2024
The Independent Games Festival (IGF) is an annual festival at the Game Developers Conference.

Revival Jam 2024

9 games
The Revival Jam is a short game jam about bringing back themes and constraints from older game jams to create small interactive fiction games.

Smoochie Jam 2024

23 games
The Smoochie Jam is a month-long unranked jam for interactive fiction about kisses, love, and romance. Games should be about romance, kissing, or the deliberate subversion thereof. This jam exists in a deep and profoundly charged...

The 2023 IFDB Awards

34 games in 44 divisions; award date February 17, 2024
The IFDB Awards is an annual competition designed to award excellence in creating interactive fiction. It is held from February 1st to the first weekend after February 15th each year on the Interactive Fiction Database, and take the form...

Recipe Jam

11 games
The Jam where you make your player hungry! The Recipe Jam is a short unranked jam where you must include a recipe. Stuff it inside a book, make the player cook it, or hide it through the text... Share your best (or worst) dish(es)!...

ShuffleComp 2023

15 games in 2 divisions; award date January 22, 2024
ShuffleComp 2023: The Re-Shuffling ShuffleComp is a musical interactive fiction competition where you make games based on songs, which are submitted by other entrants. The last ShuffleComp occurred in 2015. The rules here are largely...

2022 XYZZY Awards

19 games in 12 divisions; award date January 8, 2024
Best Technological Development:...

PunyJam #4

6 games; award date January 2, 2024
This is a jam where you write a text adventure using PunyInform, resulting in games playable in Z-code format. Every PunyJam has a theme. This time: at the start of the game, or within the first five moves, the player gets an indication...

The IF Short Games Showcase 2023

70 games in 6 divisions
The Short Games Showcase is an opportunity to show off shorter interactive fiction works made in the past year (Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023), regardless of whether they've been submitted to any previous jam or competition or not, and...
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