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19 games in 12 divisions; award date January 8, 2024Best Technological Development:...
6 games; award date January 2, 2024This is a jam where you write a text adventure using PunyInform, resulting in games playable in Z-code format. Every PunyJam has a theme. This time: at the start of the game, or within the first five moves, the player gets an indication...
70 games in 6 divisionsThe Short Games Showcase is an opportunity to show off shorter interactive fiction works made in the past year (Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023), regardless of whether they've been submitted to any previous jam or competition or not, and...
9 gamesThis is primarily a French language interactive fiction jam. You may participate in a very poor French ;) or even in another language, but in this later case we won't garantee any feedback on your game. If you want to ask questions on an...
75 games in 3 divisions; award date November 19, 20235 gamesThème et contraintes Pour ce concours le thème retenu est : La colère des Dieux Vous êtes libre d'interpréter cela comme bon vous semble. Votre histoire peut être destinée aux enfants ou non, c'est à vous de voir ce qui vous inspire le...
48 games in 6 divisionsECTOCOMP is an annual competition for interactive fiction celebrating the SPOOKY MONTH OF HALLOWEENTOBER. Whether you celebrate Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Saint's Eve, or just love ghost stories and creeping people out, this is your...
27 gamesThe Bare-Bones Jam Games Stripped to the Bone Have you ever wanted to create a game, but felt overwhelmed by the visual aspects? Or wished you didn't need to edit the UI? This jam is for you! The Bare-Bones Jam is a month-long game jam...
24 games; award date October 4, 2023The inkJam is an annual community organized jam focused on storytelling and narrative games written in ink. When does it begin? The jam begins on Friday, October 20th, 9PM CEST. Who can enter? Everyone is more than welcome, either alone...
4 games; award date September 16, 2023Ce concours Moiki consiste à écrire une mini fiction interactive - en français uniquement ! Thème et contraintes Pour cette quatrième édition le thème retenu est : Le calme avant la tempête Vous êtes libre d'interpréter cela comme bon...
70 games; award date September 15, 20237 games; award date September 11, 2023IntroComp is an annual competition where participants develop excerpts of interactive fiction, gain feedback from audience reactions, and (hopefully!) use this feedback to release a fantastic final product.
46 games16 games in 2 divisions; award date August 3, 2023ParserComp is for previously unreleased, parser-based text games: games which take a free-text input, parse it, and produce an output which typically is more text. This is the 4th ParserComp. Hosted on This year, works are...
9 games; award date July 1, 2023This is the third annual Text Adventure Literacy Jam. The aim of the jam is to write a text adventure that is suitable for players with little or no prior experience of playing text adventures. The game must include an in-game tutorial....
123 gamesCreate a tiny Interactive Fiction piece in 500 words or less! This jam is a commemoration of Porpentine's Twiny Jam, where creators were limited to making twine games with less than 300 words. Constraints and Rules: You are limited to... 3 gamesLa NOUVIM 3000, 5e édition ! 1. Quoi ? Pour quand ? Un mois pour réaliser une toute petite aventure textuelle de 501 à 3000 mots ! On cherche ici avant tout des aventures hypertextes à la Twine (mais pouvant être réalisées avec d'autres...
1 game; award date May 29, 2023Arcjam is a game design event where you use Arcweave to design and publish a short game in 72 hours. The term “game” is to be taken in the most general sense, meaning any kind of interactive experience, story, puzzle, graphic novel, et... 26 games in 2 divisions; award date May 16, 2023Spring Thing, also known as the Autumnal Jumble, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
1 game; award date May 14, 2023The Nebula Awards® are voted on and presented by full, senior, and associate members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. Since 1965, the Nebula Awards® have been given each year to outstanding novel, novella,...