Cryptex Jam

The Cryptex Jam is a game jam where a graphical text adventure game is created using the Adventuron development platform. The game itself may or may not feature a Cryptex® Security Box by Justin Nevins. Games will have puzzles similar to escape room puzzles.

All games created for the Cryptex Puzzle Hunt.

News & updates (RSS)


Official Web site:

Organizer(s): Errol

Qualification opening date: January 31, 2021

Qualification closing date: February 28, 2021

Games and Awards

1st Place: International Cryptex Day, by Errol
2nd Place: Welcome to the Jungle, by Brent Mair, Darren Miller, and Errol
3rd Place: Wake Up, by Shannon McDowell
4th Place: Dead Mall Mystery, by Sarah Willson
5th Place: Haunted Cabin, by Mike Collins and Errol
6th Place: The Bamboo Forest, by Myra Ramdenbourg and Errol
7th Place: The Wizard's Tower, by Nathan D'Silva and Errol
8th Place: Escape the Egyptian Tomb, by Darren Miller and Errol
9th Place: The Red Soldier, by Manda Whitney, Dan Egnor and Errol
10th Place: Starship Escape, by Darren Miller and Errol
11th Place: Room of Escape, by Errol

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