Favorite Weird/Surreal Games

Recommendations by thecanvasrose

An ongoing list of bizarro, out of the box, quirky and 'who would ever think to make this' games which force one to question their own sanity, if just a little bit.

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1. (do not) forget
by lectronice
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

I don't know what to say about this one other than that it's really well made and deserves more attention.

2. Shade
by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (422 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Best of all of Plotkin's games, in my opinion. Mind bending.

3. Dad vs. Unicorn
by PaperBlurt
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Um... I have QUESTIONS.

4. Eat Me
by Chandler Groover
Average member rating: (108 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

A cute fairy tale makes a sharp turn into Nope-ville.

5. Taghairm
by Chandler Groover
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Another from Groover. A fever dream of a game about slaughtering cats.

6. Ecdysis
by Peter Nepstad
Average member rating: (80 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

A Lovecraftian oddity that's less of a horror adventure than it is a descent into pure strangeness.

7. Charlie The Robot
by Fernando Contreras
Average member rating: (14 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Yeah, definitely odd. Reminds me of the best stuff of postmodern novelists.

8. En Garde
by Jack Welch
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

A pleasantly strange game where you play a mouse who craves brains.

9. Taunting Donut
by Kalev Tait
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

An odd one-room puzzle game that's perfect for beginners of IF.

10. The End Means Escape, by Steve Kodat (2000)
Average member rating: (7 ratings)
thecanvasrose says:

A quirky, Alice in Wonderland-like escape room type game. Also good for beginners.

11. Secluded
by Niklas Gløsen
Average member rating: (1 rating)

thecanvasrose says:

Another existential game with a twist.

12. You are Standing at a Crossroads
by Astrid Dalmady
Average member rating: (30 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Starts out like a standard Twine mystery, but it sticks with it's weird 'premise' and turns quite unsettling by its end.

13. The Periwink
by Jedediah Berry
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Ah. Yes. My kind of messed up.

14. Little Blue Men
by Michael S. Gentry
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

What initially seems like a dull puzzle game makes a fun twist with a sprinkling of dark jokes which culminate into a deeply creepy ending. Superb.

15. My Very Own Train Station
by Niklas Gløsen
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

A real banger! Give this short existential game a try.

16. Ürs
by Christopher Hayes, Daniel Talsky
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

A surreal sci-fi game about rabbits.

17. Patrick
by michael lutz
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

thecanvasrose says:

Funny and silly, as well as odd.

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