Games Where The Shape Of The Map Is Relevant To Game Completion

Recommendations by Canalboy (London, UK.)

As an inveterate cartographer of text adventures I was considering which games require accurate map construction to solve at least one puzzle; this includes finding hidden locations whose existence is predicated on parts of the game map.

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1. Mordon's Quest
by Peter Moreland, Peter Donne, and John Jones-Steele
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Canalboy says:

The map shape is needed to answer Tarzan's question.

2. Colossal Cave Adventure
by William Crowther and Donald Woods
Average member rating: (96 ratings)

Canalboy says:

Dave Platt's Adventure 550 included an ice maze whose shape indicated how to make one's egress from it.

3. The Golden Wombat of Destiny, by Huw Collingbourne (1989)
Canalboy says:

The map suggests a solution to a low level location.

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