Felix Pleșoianu

Member since March 18, 2011
Last visited October 22, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): 6ncq0stmh789bx7c

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I’m just a lonely orange cat watching the moon from the windowsill on a starry night.

News about games authored by Felix Pleșoianu (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by Felix Pleșoianu

City of Dead Leaves, by Felix Pleșoianu (2016)
(4 ratings)
There's nothing left in your life. There's nothing left in anyone's life. Will he even remember you after all this time? Will he want you back? ...

Kitty and the Sea, by Felix Pleșoianu (2019)
(1 rating)
Take two old areas from a text-based virtual world. Stitch them together with new content; flesh out and brush up the old. Add a handful of minimal, abstract illustrations for good measure. ...

Keep of the Mad Wizard, by Felix Pleșoianu (2019)
(1 rating)
"After much bitter fighting, the mad wizard was defeated and banished to distant shores. But the land is not yet at peace. Every night, terrible things ride forth from the wizard's former home,...

Секрет звёздных глубин, by Felix Pleșoianu, Alexey Galkin (2023)

Catch That Cat, by Felix Pleșoianu (2010)
(2 ratings)
Ugh. Monday morning. You're still not recovered after the party two days ago, and you have an SMS from your wife: 'Will stay with mom for one more day. You take the cat to the vet.' Meh. ...

See all 7 games by Felix Pleșoianu

Recommended Lists by Felix Pleșoianu

Games with cities - 5 items   June 16, 2021
Because I like cities and they mean a lot to me.

Replay and relax - 6 items   May 21, 2020
Games that are always a pleasure to play again, not to solve puzzles but to enjoy the good memories.

Unusual input schemes - 5 items   November 4, 2016
Nowadays most IF is either parser-based or else choice-based. But a few games occupy a space between the lines, so to speak. These are...

Puzzle-less or puzzle-light - 5 items   December 16, 2012
The relative importance of puzzles in IF is a matter of some contention. But there's no doubt that puzzleless IF *can* be great. Here are...

All-time favorites - 7 items   December 16, 2012
No common thread here... Turns out, I like all kinds of games. Even some puzzlefests.

See all 6 lists by Felix Pleșoianu

Polls by Felix Pleșoianu

IF created as a media tie-in - 22 votes for 14 games; created October 19, 2016
Hello, everyone. I'm looking for IF pieces originally created as media tie-ins (i.e. as promotion/extras for a bigger project). The plan...

Reviews by Felix Pleșoianu

Calypso, by Dave Footitt   July 15, 2024
"A simple game that doesn't waste your time, and doesn't have any pretenses. The puzzles are simple enough, but frustrating to solve..." - See the full review

The Wizard's Castle, by Joseph R. Power   April 26, 2022
"I'm not sure The Wizard's Castle counts as interactive fiction. Rather, it's a text-based RPG with a keyword parser. If anything, it has..." - See the full review

Castle of Doom, by Bad Dog Studios   June 15, 2021
"You learn something new every day. For example, that people still made games in TADS 2 as late as 2015. Or that the same TADS 2 has a..." - See the full review

A Hobbit Trek, by Crispin   June 4, 2020
"This is a game very much in the spirit of the original Hobbit. You know the one. Too bad that means lots of sudden deaths with no way to..." - See the full review

Get Lost!, by S. Woodson   May 24, 2020
"This is a game that speaks to me, with meaningful choices that make sense for a change (and replayable too, despite the shortness). A..." - See the full review

See all 14 reviews by Felix Pleșoianu
See all ratings and reviews by Felix Pleșoianu

Felix Pleșoianu's Play Lists

Played Games

Calypso, by Dave Footitt
The Fantasy Dimension, by Johan Berntsson
Goncharov Escapes!, by manonamora
The Wizard's Castle, by Joseph R. Power
The Tree That Touched The Moon, by Agnieszka Trzaska

See all 145 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Art D's First Batch Adventure, by Arthur DiBianca
An Act of Murder, by Christopher Huang
Labour's Letters Lost, by Christopher Huang

Felix Pleșoianu's Club Memberships

IFictionFR joined March 18, 2011