Repeat the Ending, by Drew Cook (2023) (29 ratings) Explore an all-new "critical edition" of a 1996 Inform 5 game about mental illness, magic, and the second law of thermodynamics. When D, a psychiatrically disabled chaos wizard, learns that an...
Untitled Relationship Project, by Sophia de Augustine, Charm Cochran, Drew Cook, Matt Devins, Piergiorgio d’Errico, Max Fog, Hanon Ondricek, Hidnook, Joey Jones, Kastel, Manonamora, Mathbrush, Mike Russo, Tabitha (2024) (4 ratings) This is a short game about bits and pieces of relationships, written by a group of authors.
I've decided to make a list of games that have influenced my writing, whether it be criticism or game development. I'll be adding to this...
Polls by Drew Cook
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Reviews by Drew Cook
The Tempest, by David R. Grigg July 17, 2024 (edited: July 18, 2024)
"1992's "The Tempest" by David R. Grigg, which should not be mistaken for Graham Nelson's adaptation, is an unkind game that modern..." - See the full review
"I thought I might enjoy reviewing as-yet unreviewed games. It's hard to get one's game reviewed outside of a competition or jam context,..." - See the full review
"As a bit of background: I discovered this game via Tabitha's "Games Seeking Reviews" poll. I'm grateful for this initiative! "Kiss of..." - See the full review
"For lack of a better term, let us borrow one from renaissance studies: Ballyhoo is what I would call a "problem" game. At times it is..." - See the full review
"I suppose many people think excellence is a zero sum game. It sometimes seems that one must pick between Trinity and A Mind Forever..." - See the full review