
Top 50 Reviewer
Member since January 3, 2009
Last visited November 23, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): v632t6mt3gxv1kdv

See http://hlabrande.fr/if.

Interactive Fiction by dutchmule

Tristam Island, by Hugo Labrande (2020)
(10 ratings)
After crashing your plane at sea, you end up drifting to a small island, with not much to survive. You explore, and find out the island was inhabited, years ago. But why did the people leave? And...

Les espions ne meurent jamais, by Hugo Labrande (2007)
(9 ratings)
You, Randolf McHifflin, have managed to capture your archnemesis, the famous English spy James Powers. He's tied up in front of you, and you just have to kill him, by any mean you can find in this...

Life On Mars?, by Hugo Labrande (2014)
(7 ratings)
La première mission pour coloniser Mars s'est soldée par un crash horrible, et vous avez miraculeusement survécu... Maintenant, il ne vous reste plus qu'à attendre que la deuxième navette...

Ma princesse adorée, by Hugo Labrande (2007)
(6 ratings)

Life On Mars?, by Hugo Labrande (2015)
(18 ratings)
The first mission to colonize Mars ended with a horrible shuttle crash, and it's a miracle you're still alive... Now you just have to wait until the second shuttle gets here. Five more months...

See all 20 games by dutchmule

Recommended Lists by dutchmule

Games with mostly custom responses - 4 items   July 27, 2017
Here is a list of games in which most, if not all, of the default responses have been replaced by a custom response. There are prominent...

Fictions interactives pour enfants en français - 9 items   August 10, 2015
Cette liste donne des idées de fictions interactives appropriées et recommandées pour les enfants. Listé par ordre alphabétique....

List of games with 'forced input' - 10 items   July 30, 2015
This is a list of games which use a specific text effect, which I call "forced input" here (don't know if it has a better name): it's...

Polls by dutchmule

Games with an abrupt and unexpected ending twist - 76 votes for 27 games; created December 13, 2009
I'm looking for games which, as in a lot of short stories, feature a sudden and unexpected revelation/twist at the very end of the game,...

Reviews by dutchmule

The Spectre of Castle Coris [2015 ADRIFT version], by Larry Horsfield   March 28, 2023
""The Spectre of Castle Coris" is the sequel to "The Axe of Kolt" by Larry Horsfield; this ADRIFT version is also a remastering of the..." - See the full review

The Axe of Kolt [2014 ADRIFT version], by Larry Horsfield   March 28, 2023
"The "Axe of Kolt" is a legendary axe that you must recover and give to King Kelson, who has been captured by the evil Xixons ; a standard..." - See the full review

La Malédiction dont vous êtes le héros, by Nighten   March 1, 2020
"Un jeu avec une structure d'arbre binaire à 4 niveaux, qui a donc 16 fins. Je ne suis pas allé au bout, car j'ai actualisé la page..." - See the full review

Sétanta - Au Cœur Du Labyrinthe, by Luigi June   March 1, 2020
"Un jeu d'exploration de donjon à choix multiples, sans gestion d'inventaire, dans un monde inspiré par le folklore celte ; le jeu..." - See the full review

Une affaire rondement menée, by Dunin   March 1, 2020
"Jeu avec une chouette ambiance, bien que classique ; j'apprécie le fait que Hercule Poirot soit imbuvable et que nous incarnions..." - See the full review

See all 62 reviews by dutchmule
See all ratings and reviews by dutchmule

dutchmule's Play Lists

Played Games

La Faille, by Chester
Killing Time at Lightspeed, by Gritfish
Night City 2020, by Hoper
Escape Game, by Bryan
Le jour où la Terre dégusta, by Yakkafo

See all 158 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Codex Sadistica: A Heavy-Metal Minigame, by grave snail games
A Day for Soft Food, by Tod Levi
You Are Standing, by Aaron A. Reed
The Water Bird, by Athan Skelley
The Lost Islands of Alabaz, by Michael Gentry

See all 284 entries in the Wish List

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to their "Not Interested" List yet.