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Life On Mars?

by Hugo Labrande profile

Science fiction
Inform 6

(based on 7 ratings)
3 reviews6 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

La première mission pour coloniser Mars s'est soldée par un crash horrible, et vous avez miraculeusement survécu... Maintenant, il ne vous reste plus qu'à attendre que la deuxième navette arrive. Plus que cinq mois...


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Average Rating: based on 7 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Great at revealing backstory, and very immersive, February 2, 2014

I really enjoyed Life on Mars?, and found it to be a surprisingly immersive experience, even though it's not a terribly interactive game. This sounds counter-intuitive, perhaps, but because of the situation the PC is in, the approach felt very appropriate and was executed very well. I was less keen on the later game, but feel that this game is definitely worth playing for its somewhat novel approach to revealing backstory. Clearly the author put a lot of effort into this, and it paid off with a haunting experience that generates a great sense of empathy in the player.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Puzzleless, but immersive and with a excellent ending, August 5, 2016

(A full review in French is available here)

You'll spend a lot of time reading in this game, in fact there is almost nothing to do except reading the e-mails of the protagonist. The e-mail system is however well implemented, with the text appearing in real-time. Some might not like it (in fact I don't like when I cannot read at my own pace either), but it wasn't troublesome here because it really helped immersion.

And the game is immersive indeed. The state of mind of the protagonist is well retranscribed and you can feel her feelings. The game is well written too.

I found the end really amazing, though I cannot explain why without spoiling. If you like a game with a good atmosphere, you'll like this game. If you prefer "real" games, you should still give it a try, but you'll like it less.

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Excellent mood, but crippled by autoscrolling text, May 25, 2015
by Fabien Vidal (Tours, France)
Related reviews: French

That piece of fiction is in french. So, be warned !
The atmosphhere is gloomy and excellent. The story telling, and the ways background information is distilled, create a believable main character, which is deep rooted in our decade's preoccupations.

Unfortunately, its main narrative innovation is also its biggest flaw :
There is an intensive use of auto scrolling text, creating a special connection to the main character and breathing much life into the game. However, it often scrolls way too quick to allow reading the text. It went to the point, that I felt I had entirely missed the ending...

This technical flaw would be easy to fix, but has been a big setback to my playing experience.

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La version 2 de Life on Mars est disponible ! Cliquez sur "Story File" pour la télécharger.

Le contenu est le même, mais beaucoup de choses ont été améliorées, comme par exemple le défilement du texte : il devrait être beaucoup plus difficile de sauter des passages malencontreusement, et la vitesse de défilement peut être accélérée ou ralentie au sein du jeu.

Le jeu se joue aussi beaucoup mieux en ligne, grâce à du code spécifique pour les interpréteurs qui ne prennent pas en charge les effets temporels.

Une traduction en anglais est aussi disponible, et participe à l'IFComp 2015.
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Good sci-fi games by IFDent
I'm looking for a good science fiction game (sci-fi game) for example, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Infocom. Can't get enough sci-fi text adventures.

Good Games in French/Bons jeux en français by thecanvasrose
I've recently reached an intermediate level of French speaking at my university. I can easily read relatively straightforward sentences, that is, but writing which is highly poetic or archaic I will not understand. I think I know French...

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