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Le jour où la Terre dégusta

by Yakkafo profile


(based on 5 ratings)
2 reviews7 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

​Vous croyiez devoir finir vos jours à enseigner la linguistique dans un amphithéâtre décrépi, quand la France vient vous confier une mission hors du commun : sauver la Terre d’un quiproquo interplanétaire.


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Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An amusing take on alien-human interaction, January 31, 2019
by MathBrush
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

This game employs two common tropes but combines them in a fun way.

The first is communication using emojis. Like B.P. Hennessy's Known Unkown's and litrouke's 10 pm, you have an array of emojis you can pick from and combine into different emoji sentences.

The second trope is 'aliens communicate and we must decode it', like Contact, 2001, or Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind.

This particular game takes a humorous approach. I was faked out twice at the end, which I enjoyed. I used google translate, as there were many French words I was unfamiliar with.

It's a fairly short game, with 4 chapters and an epilogue, but each chapter being only a couple of choices.

I felt like the game respected my choices and made an effort to be interactive.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Court, drôle et innovant, August 2, 2019
by Nicolas Pérot (France)

J'ai apprécié le détournement des tropes de rencontre extraterrestre, la création de ce fameux langage de communication interespèces, les multiples interprétations, les nombreuses fins cohérentes avec les choix... C'est court, plaisant, cela donne envie de rejouer (et c'est facilité grâce au menu final).

"Le jour où la Terre dégusta" fait partie des fictions interactives que j'utilise pour faire découvrir le genre à des novices qui veulent lire en français. Bravo !

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Le jour où la Terre dégusta on IFDB


The following polls include votes for Le jour où la Terre dégusta:

Fictions interactives en français humoristiques et/ou feel-good by filiaa
Beaucoup de FI en français abordent des sujets sérieux, éveillent des sentiments difficiles et des émotions fortes. Malgré la grande qualité de ces FI sérieuses et tristes, on recherche parfois quelque chose de plus amusant ou...

Good Games in French/Bons jeux en français by thecanvasrose
I've recently reached an intermediate level of French speaking at my university. I can easily read relatively straightforward sentences, that is, but writing which is highly poetic or archaic I will not understand. I think I know French...

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