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A Day for Soft Food

by Tod Levi

Slice of life
Inform 6

(based on 28 ratings)
5 reviews35 members have played this game. It's on 38 wishlists.

About the Story

"Ever since the provider's sickness began, he's been all hisses and growls. Even the slightest misstep seems to annoy him. Perhaps that's why your bowl has held nothing but hard food lately. And not much of that." [--blurb from Competition '99]


Nominee, Best NPCs; Nominee - The cat, Best Individual PC - 1999 XYZZY Awards

4th Place - 5th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (1999)

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 28 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 5
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3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
A surprisingly thoughtful piece., August 6, 2009

One of the most interesting things about playing text games, in my view, is the way in which problems that are relatively small or unimportant in the grand scheme of things become far more significant when *you* are the one faced with them. Often, a problem that, were it to feature in a conventional story, might not interest us, can become all-consuming in a text game, where if the writing is strong enough and the puzzle well-paced enough, we can feel something of the protagonist's fear or frustration.

Oddly, I found this more true in this game than in any other I've yet played. The game falls into three main sections. The first is a time-based challenge: you must get fed before you collapse from hunger. The second is less constrained, and allows you to roam about in search of more satisfying food. And the third is another time-based challenge, this one more serious than the first.

The game gets progressively harder as it goes on, and it starts off pretty hard. As other reviewers have commented, some of the puzzles are not fiendish so much as virtually unguessable (although I was pleased to figure out by myself what was, in retrospect, probably the most outlandish of them - (Spoiler - click to show)tying the cat food tin to the balloon, taking it onto the roof, and dropping it in the direction of the boy). This can be especially frustrating in the second part of the game, where you must solve a variety of puzzles in order to get to the coveted soft food, but it is not always clear what your goal in each puzzle is, or why solving it matters, or indeed what's going on at all.

There is also an uneasy tension between your limitations and goals as a cat and the uncatlike intelligence you must show in overcoming the limitations and attaining the goals. The game itself shows awareness of this; show an object to the Provider, and he looks puzzled at the fact you're carrying it around, as well he should if you're just an ordinary cat. This comes to the fore in the final part of the game, where you must do things that clearly no cat would ever do, and rely upon knowledge that not only would no cat know, but this cat apparently doesn't know either ((Spoiler - click to show)the cat does not know that the liquid dripping from the car is petrol - it doesn't even know that it's a car - but you must still soak the shirt in it in order to make a fire). But even in the same sequence, the cat is sometimes characterised as a typically amoral, food-obsessed feline ((Spoiler - click to show)in one grim possible ending, you simply eat your stricken Provider, the game commenting dryly that he remained a Provider right to the end).

It must be said that the game also suffers from a fair few technical problems and unrecognised words. Trying to fill a container at the stream, for example, is greeted with the response that there is no water here. At one point I attempted to do something with my claws, to be told that I needed to be holding them first. It is also odd that a game with an unusual protagonist doesn't allow you to examine yourself, although some self-description is included in the inventory. It doesn't seem to recognise "it". Finally, there are one or two spelling mistakes (including one in a location description, which is annoying).

So why four stars, given these flaws? It's partly because of how well written the game is. There is understated humour in the descriptions and narrative, which presents everything precisely as a cat *would* think of it. The kitchen is simply the "food room", where the only object of any interest is the cat's bowl. A chair becomes a "lumpy mountain", the main interesting feature being its impressive collection of scratch marks. Cars are shiny beasts and cat food tins are eggs. But the game doesn't go overboard with this; the balloon, for example, is described as simply that. Moreover, the prose is admirably restrained, and despite the humour, never comes across as overtly funny. There is a starkness and seriousness to the game which matches the feline protagonist perfectly, and which is reflected in the snowy landscape surrounding the house, which is largely hostile to the cat. The only character who seems happy, the boy behind the fence, remains largely unseen. The cat begins the game starving, there is a brutal Rival roaming about, and the Provider is not well at all.

That leads into the other reason for a high score. The end game is, in some respects, annoying and frustrating. As I have commented, it forces the player to behave in distinctly uncatlike ways, and the difficulty of the puzzles does not let up. But it captures the attention like nothing else I have played. The time constraint now seems far more serious than that used in the first part of the game, with failure a much scarier prospect. There are various ways to fail the end game, all rather grim and depressing, despite the relative lack of care that the cat displays in them (which, as previously mentioned, clashes somewhat with the attitude that the cat must display when under the player's control). Finally, even the victory text is understated, rather sad, and poignant, despite the upbeat end. Despite the thinness of the characterisation of the Provider (as is only right, given that the cat cares only that he provides), I cared very much about what happened to him and the cat. That is why, for me at least, this is not just a strangely powerful and memorable game, but also a successful piece of interactive fiction. It demonstrates the power of the genre to make us care about situations and characters by making us part of them, in a way that could never work in any other genre.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Delightful and annoying, just like a cat, April 28, 2019
by deathbytroggles (Minneapolis, MN)

When I first discovered interactive fiction in the late 90’s and learned that the public now had tools to develop their own games, my first story idea was to design a game where the player controlled a cat. I gave up on the idea when I realized I had a hard time coming up with a good story with good puzzles that made sense.

Levi makes a valiant attempt here. Your initial goal is to simply get some damn food, and this was the part of the game I enjoyed the most. For the most part, the puzzles here fit within the scope of a feline’s abilities if requiring more foresight than they usually have. However, the final two thirds of the game (Spoiler - click to show)where you must foil a stronger enemy and save your provider’s life more than stretches the limits of what a cat is able (and willing, in some cases) to do. Thus, the game feels at times like a generic puzzlefest with a cat built into the game, rather than the other way around.

I wound up using the in-game hints and a walkthrough for a good portion of this because a couple of the puzzles required some leaps of logic (Spoiler - click to show)(particularly one involving setting a trap) and some reasonable alternative solutions were neither implemented nor acknowledged. I was also annoyed by the map, wherein you are frequently doing things like moving north to go northeast, then west to go back southwest whence you came.

The writing is solid and there are several delightful responses to things you can try in your feline body. I just wish it had focused even more on the typical life of a cat.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A nonlinear exploration game as a cat in a cabin in the wood, February 3, 2016

This game is a classic-style adventure game where you play as a cat. Your goal is to eat some soft food, after having had hard food for a while.

You explore your cabin and the surrounding woods, and everything is from the point of view of a feline. Cars, tv's, sofas, etc. are described from her point of view.

The game was nominated for an XYZZY for best NPC's. The NPC's include your Provider, your Rival, and a child.

Overall, recommended for fans of nonlinear exploration games with a score.

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3 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

Following in the footsteps--pawprints?--of Ralph and A Bear's Night Out, A Day for Soft Food gives you the persona of a housecat. Your Provider is sick, and you're trying to get him out of bed and convince him to feed you canned rather than dry cat food. Charmingly, amusingly done, with lots of little cattish details attended to, though there are a few moments where you push the limits of a cat's capabilities somewhat, and your motivations eventually change in ways that didn't happen in Ralph or Bear's Night Out. There are some bugs and writing problems, but not enough to significantly detract from the playing experience--and there are lots of Easter eggs that make the game worth replaying. Some difficult puzzles, but on the whole this is charming and rewarding. Includes a hint menu.

-- Duncan Stevens

[...] there's lots of fun to be had here, and even though the puzzles shortchange the catty aspect of the game somewhat, the incidental details and fun stuff make up for it. There are various creative deaths to die, for one thing, and the variety and number of untimely ends you can suffer (the game occasionally warns you when an action would end the game prematurely, but usually doesn't prevent you from doing anything dumb) suggests the perverse curiosity of a real cat. [...] At its best moments, the game allows the player to recognize the significance of, say, the Provider's illness, even while the PC remains oblivious; the serene cluelessness of a cat is the main source of humor here.
-- Duncan Stevens
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

A disturbingly high percentage of the puzzles felt like members of the "guess-what-I'm-thinking" genre. I'm willing to concede that perhaps I wasn't in a properly feline state of mind for them, and certainly I'll admit that I'm not the world's greatest puzzle solver, but I don't think that's sufficient to explain the problem. I think they're just way too hard, and that the writing isn't specific enough to give the player all the nudges necessary to solve them. It's a good lesson in puzzle design though -- if lots of players experience the same frustration I did, Soft Food will give designers an example of what to avoid in gonzo puzzle-crafting. I may even be able to use the lesson myself. See, I have a great idea for the 2000 comp: you play this pet goldfish...
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