
Member since December 10, 2018
Last visited July 22, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): vn8m54bbscyvoupx

Interactive Fiction by Strident

The Hoppit, by Gareth Pitchford (2018)
(2 ratings)
'Can you escape from the famous Goblin's dungeon?' This is a remake of original The Hoppit mini-adventure from Microfair Madness, remade using the Adventuron system.

A Troll's Revenge, by Gareth Pitchford (1 rating)
Can you help retrieve the treasure stolen from the Cave of Magic? An Adventuron mini-adventuron. A Troll's Revenge was written as part of CaveJam 2019; where it placed 2nd. The aim of the gamejam...

The Life of a Lone Electron, by Gareth Pitchford and Scott Denyer (1992)
(1 rating)
'You play Edmond, an accident-prone electron, as he attempts to recover from crashing his 'orbital' and find a way home.' The Life of a Lone Electron was a text adventure produced for the ZX...

Dream Walker, by Gareth Pitchford (2021)
(1 rating)

In the depths of the night the Dream Walker roams the world, fixing dreams so children can sleep peacefully...

Scout's Honour, by Gareth Pitchford (2018)
(1 rating)
'Ernie Spludge is excited... today is the day! Today is the day he will finally pluck up enough courage to ask his potential girlfriend Rosie out. He's come up with the perfect time to pop the...

See all 19 games by Strident

Recommended Lists by Strident

Games that have been adapted into books, films and other works - 7 items   October 25, 2023
A list of text adventures and other IF that were later adapted by their authors into novels, films and other works besides traditional...

Polls by Strident

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Reviews by Strident

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