Hypertext-like parser IF

Recommendations by Ray Leandro (Philippines)

1. Doesn't use typical parser commands.
2. Difficult to port to a hypertext system like Twine
3. The keywords you can type are usually not hinted, or the keywords are not necessarily in the text.
4. No strict world model (or none at all)

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1. Threading the Labyrinth, by Kevin F. Doughty (2000)
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
Ray Leandro says:

Unlike "Arid and Pale" and "Figueres in my Basement", this issues responses to the words you type instead of changing the prose. Has responses to almost every word.

2. The Space Under the Window
by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (98 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

Like stretchtext. Typing words toggles the text.

3. I Told You This Was A Bad Idea
by Jessica Padkin
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

Created in Twine but uses an input box. You are talking to a primitive A.I. interface that only understands a few words.

4. Danse Nocturne
by Joey Jones
Average member rating: (17 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

Type an adverb to change how your character dances.

5. spondre
by Jay Nabonne
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

Quest is technically a parser system. Nothing about the piece would change if the links were replaced by a command line.

6. Arid and Pale
by Michael R. Bacon
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

"Interactive poetry" where you type an important word from the bottommost line to generate the next line.

7. Figueres in my Basement, by Kazuki Mishima (2010)
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
Ray Leandro says:

Uses the same system as "Arid and Pale", but better poetry.

8. Weird City Interloper
by C.E.J. Pacian
Average member rating: (55 ratings)

Ray Leandro says:

Unlike the rest of the list, the keywords *are* hinted, but you can type keywords that are not in the text.

9. The Chicken Under the Window, by Lucian P. Smith (1998)
Average member rating: (10 ratings)
Ray Leandro says:

Same style as "The Space under the Window"

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