On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of interactive fiction at patreon.com/dswxyz.
1. Augmented Fourth by Brian Uri! (2000) Average member rating: (67 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
In this Zork-like game, you play as an ill-fated trumpeter, tossed into a deep orchestra pit by King Goosen of Papoosen's guards just because he didn't like your rendition of "Ode to a Duck", the only tune you know. Escaping from the pit into a dormant volcano, you find yourself welcomed by Leonine of the Odd Community of Nolava, who promptly enchants your trumpet. Now the songs you play are magical! Can you learn enough music to escape the volcano and end King Goosen's tyranny?
2. Eduard the Seminarist, by Heiko Theißen (2007) Average member rating: (8 ratings) David Welbourn says:
It's the evening of May 13th, 1824, in Germany. You play as Eduard, a student at the seminary. You want to sneak out and meet your friends Wilhelm and Scardanelli in Pressel's gazebo before midnight.
3. Unity!, by Greg Ewing (1998) Average member rating: (1 rating) David Welbourn says:
In this game strongly-inspired by Infocom's Trinity, you play as someone who—thanks to an oddly-helpful chicken—travels to other places and times to prevent disasters in the fast-food cold war between a major hamburger franchise and its competition in the fried chicken business.
4. Labyrinth, by Samantha Casanova Preuninger (2006) Average member rating: (11 ratings) David Welbourn says:
In this puzzle game, you play as Damien Alexander, professor of mathematics. Before waking up in this gaudy and sweet-smelling cubical room, you remember crashing your car while driving with your wife Melanie. My God, is she dead? Where is she? And where are you?
In this game, you play as Commander Dynamite Powers, a member in good standing in the Sentinels of Outer Space. On Mars, the maniacal Lord Infamy has trapped you in a cage descending into a pool of ravenous razorfish! The fiend! You need to escape and stop him from destroying the Earth with his diabolical Ray of Night!
6. Recorded by Nick Junius (2015) Average member rating: (10 ratings)
David Welbourn says:
In this short story, you play as someone who wakes up voiceless in a perplexing set of rooms floating in the middle of the void. Most of the rooms have messages inscribed in them. Are the messages for you? Or from you? What are you expected to do?