Friendly, puzzle-based games

Recommendations by Perpetual Distractions

Being an "old school" IF player, I prefer the more traditional, puzzle-based games, though perhaps not the difficulty of them. With that in mind, here are some games that I think can be enjoyed by people with a similar taste in IF.

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1. 9:05
by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (547 ratings)

Perpetual Distractions says:

A very short, easy game with an ending that made me go, "Oh!" and immediately want to play it again.

2. Hunger Daemon
by Sean M. Shore
Average member rating: (66 ratings)

Perpetual Distractions says:

A short, amusing game about a cult member with a bit of a problem on his hands. Plenty of nudges in the right direction to help avoid having to use the hints. Received first place in the 2014 IFComp.

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