These are probably idiosyncratic, and I haven't hit nearly everything I probably ought to have. While I play catch up I'll hope to add to this list a bit as well. Also, there are a few IF works that are not yet in IFDB that deserve closer attention (either commercial works or Twine games by people who aren't "regulars" in the community), so I'll hope to add a couple of those as well. I'm always on the lookout for new works from under-represented communities.
1. Hollywood Visionary
by Aaron A. Reed
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
2. A Trial
by B Minus Seven
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
3. Tonight Dies the Moon
by Tom McHenry
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
4. 18 Rooms to Home
by Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
5. Midnight. Swordfight.
by Chandler Groover
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
6. Summit
by Phantom Williams
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
7. Neon Haze
by Porpentine and Brenda Neotenomie
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
8. Map of Fahlstaff
by Ian Hinck
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
9. Beautiful Dreamer
by S. Woodson
Average member rating:
Anya Johanna DeNiro says:
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