
Member since January 14, 2017
Last visited July 24, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): abcjupmhpwuckiqg

Interactive Fiction by Karona

House, by Karona (2018)
(5 ratings)

"My hand trembled while I reached for the door knob of the house. After having fled without notice it was only natural that my life would be upset, so I came prepared to reassure her. But I...

Recommended Lists by Karona

Liminal Works - 5 items   July 11, 2024
What distinguishes these works is the feeling I get while playing them -- the pang of ephemeral beauty, the bittersweetness of nostalgia,...

Polls by Karona

This member hasn't created any polls yet.

Reviews by Karona

Reconciling Mother, by Plone Glenn   June 9, 2020
"Usually when someone says that a work is "so bad it's good", they mean that though the content is bad, there is pleasure to be derived..." - See the full review

The Land of Breakfast and Lunch, by Daniel Talsky   June 7, 2020
"(I have revised this review once since I first posted it): The Land of Breakfast and Lunch makes little of an attempt to offer puzzles..." - See the full review

Karona's Played Games List