Surreal games on trains

Recommendations by MathBrush

There is an unusually large amount of surreal games on trains (maybe from the Dark Tower?). Here are the ones I can find.

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1. Spiral, by Justin Morgan (2012)
Average member rating: (19 ratings)
MathBrush says:

Play two different characters paralyzed in a train. Switch between two surreal dream worlds.

2. Sentencing Mr Liddell
by Anonymous
Average member rating: (14 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Alice in Wonderland, but dark, gritty, and much of it on a train.

3. Under, In Erebus
by Brian Rapp
Average member rating: (17 ratings)

MathBrush says:

A surreal wordplay game starting in and using a train.

4. Moquette
by Alex Warren
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Spend time on the London underground, with hyperlinks, with gradually more surreal occurences.

5. Awake the Mighty Dread
by Lyle Skains
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Play as a dreaming orphan in a surreal world...on a train.

6. Niney
by Daniel Spitz
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

MathBrush says:

A surreal train game where you 'become' different personas to help other people.

7. I'll, by Sean Barrett (2000)
Average member rating: (10 ratings)
MathBrush says:

Time to get on the train. To bad the world's ending.

Definitely surreal, but you're mostly not 'on' the train.

8. A Wind Blown From Paradise
by N.C. Hunter Hayden
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

MathBrush says:

A sort of buggy game, set on a train, where you have flashbacks to the past.

9. The Tunnel
by Natalia Theodoridou
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

MathBrush says:

A polished twine game about being stuck on a metaphorical train.

10. Murder on the Big Nothing, by Tony Pisculli (2018)
Average member rating: (9 ratings)
MathBrush says:

A short parser game about murder, time and memory on a train.

11. The Train, by Obter9 (2018)
Average member rating: (1 rating)
MathBrush says:

A twine game where you have to discover your own identity while on a train.

12. Train
by Zefou
Average member rating: (1 rating)

MathBrush says:

An amnesia game set on a train. Discover your identity.

13. My Very Own Train Station
by Niklas Gløsen
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Suggest by thecanvasrose!

14. One Way Ticket
by Vitalii Blinov
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Bizarre game where your train is stopped on the outskirts of a town. Kind of like Phantom Tollbooth or Wizard of Oz, but slightly less phantastical.

15. Sidetrack
by Andi C. Buchanan
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

MathBrush says:

A cute game where you explore bizarre worlds after entering a train station you should not have.

16. The End of the Line
by Coral Nulla
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Not really surreal, but isn't totally connected to reality.

17. Un treno come tanti
by Sophos Ioun and RebelNightmare
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

MathBrush says:

Our first Italian entry!

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