Games with NPCs that tag along - an IFDB Poll

by Ghalev
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List here any games that feature a (preferably memorable!) "sidekick" character - an NPC who follows the viewpoint character around for most or all of the game, as per Floyd in Planetfall or Trent/Tiffany in Leather Goddesses of Phobos.

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Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
10 votes
"Features probably the most famous sidekick NPC, Floyd." [+]"Features probably the most famous sidekick NPC, Floyd." () --Ghalev... "I liked it so much that "Floyd" has been part of my online name for at least the last 15 years." [+]"I liked it so much that "Floyd" has been part of my online name for at least the last 15 years." () --Floyd312... "Floyd. Annoying, useful, VERY cute." [+]"Floyd. Annoying, useful, VERY cute." --ArtrexDenthur... "Floyd!" [+]"Floyd!: Floyd here now!" () --Puddin Tame... (No comment) [+](No comment) --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Dave Chapeskie... (No comment) [+](No comment) --aw1231... "Floyd, obviously." [+]"Floyd, obviously." () --Jim Kaplan... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --The Defiant...

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Leather Goddesses of Phobos, by Steve Meretzky
5 votes
"Features Trent ... or Tiffany, depending on which gender you choose." [+]"Features Trent ... or Tiffany, depending on which gender you choose.: Trent/Tiffany is memorable for, among other things, dying horribly several times during the game, and then returning with a handy explanation for how things really went." () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Fredrik... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --The Defiant...

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The Hobbit, by Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler
5 votes
"Surely the Hobbit did it first" [+]"Surely the Hobbit did it first: And if not first, it certainly did it best, with a host of characters that would wander around with a life of their own, while trusty Thorin always stayed by your side (mostly!)" () --Jerome C West... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Ghalev... "The Hobbit..." [+]"The Hobbit certainly was not the first, but it was probably the best at the time." () --Fredrik... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Řyvind Thorsby
4 votes
"The goblin is..." [+]"The goblin is your sidekick." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --zer... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Bernie... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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The Plant, by Michael J. Roberts
3 votes
"Mike Roberts' original demo game for TADS 2 has the PC's boss tagging along" [+]"Mike Roberts' original demo game for TADS 2 has the PC's boss tagging along" () --Carlo... "Mr. Teeterwaller!" [+]"Mr. Teeterwaller!" () --Kinetic Mouse Car... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu...

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Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom, by S. John Ross
3 votes
"Sidekick is Gunwar, a pirate Dwarf who can also be wielded as a talking hand-weapon." [+]"Sidekick is Gunwar, a pirate Dwarf who can also be wielded as a talking hand-weapon." --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Stationfall, by Steve Meretzky
3 votes
"More Floyd!" [+]"More Floyd!" --Ghalev... "Can't get enough Floyd!" [+]"Can't get enough Floyd!: Good old Floyd!" () --Puddin Tame... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Illuminismo Iniziato, by Michael J. Coyne
3 votes
"A charming NPC inside a globe who aids the story and packs a surprise at the end." [+]"A charming NPC inside a globe who aids the story and packs a surprise at the end.: Excellent puzzle fest sequel with an endearing NPC" () --Canalboy... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Denk... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --kierlani...

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Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
2 votes
"Features Triage." [+]"Features Triage." --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu...

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The Lost Islands of Alabaz, by Michael Gentry
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Michael Gentry... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Seastalker, by Stu Galley, Jim Lawrence
2 votes
"Tip is your..." [+]"Tip is your sidekick." --David Welbourn... "Tip is along for..." [+]"Tip is along for the ride -- but he is hardly memorable." ( - Full review) --Victor Gijsbers...

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Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
2 votes
"The best NPCs to go exploring with." [+]"The best NPCs to go exploring with." () --Kinetic Mouse Car... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Robb Sherwin...

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Captain Verdeterre's Plunder, by Ryan Veeder
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Ivanr... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Blighted Isle, by Eric Eve
2 votes
"You're solo for..." [+]"You're solo for the first half, but in the second half of the game, you have one of three possible female companions following you." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --perching path...

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Earth And Sky 3: Luminous Horizon, by Paul O'Brian
2 votes
"Austin (a.k.a...." [+]"Austin (a.k.a. Earth) and Emily (a.k.a. Sky) are a true duo in this game; when one is the PC, the other is the sidekick NPC, and you can switch control between the two at most points in the game." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu...

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Beet the Devil, by Carolyn VanEseltine
2 votes
"Puppies!" [+]"Puppies!: Well, a puppy." ( - Full review) --verityvirtue... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --IFforL2...

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Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels, by Bob Bates
2 votes
"The titular..." [+]"The titular Sherlock Holmes is the tagalong NPC to the player's Dr. Watson." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Ghalev...

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Jacaranda Jim, by Graham Cluley
2 votes
"Alan the..." [+]"Alan the Gribbley: unhelpful and kind of disgusting." --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Henck...

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How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title, by John Ziegler
2 votes
"Prince Quisborne..." [+]"Prince Quisborne himself" --Zape... "The sidekick is..." [+]"The sidekick is ever-present and is the focus of the story" --Johnnywz00...

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Transilvania Corruption, by Kambre, Delavader, Lord Kanington
1 vote
"Avatar hopping" [+]"Avatar hopping: The player can jump between Klaus and Blaus any time in the game. When the player inhabits one character the other acts as a tag-along NPC." () --IFforL2...

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Violet, by Jeremy Freese
1 vote
"Not your..." [+]"Not your traditional method of "sidekicking" but I think "Violet" herself should count, and obviously a very memorable sidekick!" --Jeff Sonas...

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Barsoom Adventure #1: The Lost City, by Susan Schnitger
1 vote
"Ijjit says" [+]"Ijjit says: An alien "cubist" dragonfly with witty remarks accompany your adventure." () --Fredrik...

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Roofed, by Jim Munroe
1 vote
"Your brother Anton." [+]"Your brother Anton." ( - Full review) --Simon Deimel...

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Black Sheep, by Nic Barkdull and Matt Borgard
1 vote
"Steve the detective robot follows Irene as they investigate her missing sister." [+]"Steve the detective robot follows Irene as they investigate her missing sister." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist, by Xavid
1 vote
"The Theurgist and the Fatalist" [+]"The Theurgist and the Fatalist" () --Xavid...

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The Lost Crystal, by Melvyn E. Wright
1 vote
"This game has two, the miller and Merlin." [+]"This game has two, the miller and Merlin.: The friendly, bumbling, Joe Gargery-like miller is the most notable. He is mostly helpful, but occasionally unhelpful (he wanders off with the lamp leaving you to find him in the dark) and makes humorous quips as you wander around. " --J. J. Guest...

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Beyond Zork, by Brian Moriarty
1 vote
"I fell in love with the minx" [+]"I fell in love with the minx: ... and was heartbroken after the one puzzle where you need her. I tried to bring her back with me onto the bridge, and later looked at her on the ground, wondering why she wasn't following me anymore." ( - Full review) --mjhayes...

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AˇLˇIˇEˇN: La aventura - Edición Especial, by Alpha Aventuras (Ricardo Pérez, Manuel Millán, Francisco J. Roldán, Manuel I. Monge, Antonio Matiola, Francisco Picazo)
1 vote
"Three excellent NPCs" [+]"Three excellent NPCs: Major Jason follows orders and follows you around unless you order him to go elsewhere. Mother, the ship's computer, is accessible as long as you keep your earpiece." () --IFforL2...

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Tass Times in Tonetown, by Michael Berlyn and Muffy Berlyn
1 vote
"Otherwise known as Ennio The Wonder Dog" [+]"Otherwise known as Ennio The Wonder Dog: You step into another dimension to end up with a talking dog by your side. Later, you'll rescue "Gramps" and he'll join the party. In the end, you'll all team up to deal with the game's villain." ( - Full review) --mjhayes...

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An Escape To Remember, by Sean Barrett, Tom Blawgus, Roger Carbol, John Cater, Ricardo Dague, Jeremy Douglass, Josh Giesbrecht, N. B. Horvath, Carl Muckenhoupt, Mark Musante, Karl Parakenings, Mordechai Shinefield, Dan Shiovitz, Lucian Smith
1 vote
"The weasel! You..." [+]"The weasel! You haven't forgotten the weasel, have you?" --David Welbourn...

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Renegade Brainwave, by J. J. Guest
1 vote
"Officer McRonald." [+]"Officer McRonald." --J. J. Guest...

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Pumpkin Pie for your soul, by Nils Fagerburg
1 vote
"The ghost" [+]"The ghost" --nf...

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Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati
1 vote
"Mary the "stage kid!" She follows the player around once you talk to her." [+]"Mary the "stage kid!" She follows the player around once you talk to her." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Frobozz Magic Support, by Nate Cull
1 vote
"The Burin" [+]"The Burin" --Ghalev...

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The Faeries Of Haelstowne, by Christopher Merriner
1 vote
"Ottoline Elderfield, a medium on the run from an unhappy love affair, accompanies Arthur throughout the game." [+]"Ottoline Elderfield, a medium on the run from an unhappy love affair, accompanies Arthur throughout the game." --ChrisM...

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Pirate's Plunder!, by Tiberius Thingamus
1 vote
"Ichabod" [+]"Ichabod" ( - Full review) --Ghalev...

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Enceladus, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Robb Sherwin...

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Fallacy of Dawn, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Robb Sherwin...

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Escape from the Crazy Place, by J. J. Guest, Loz Etheridge and friends
1 vote
"Throughout the..." [+]"Throughout the game you are accompanied by an irritating clown named Donald." --J. J. Guest...

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Zero Sum Game, by Cody Sandifer
1 vote
"Maurice the Follower" [+]"Maurice the Follower" () --Ghalev...

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Scroll Thief, by Daniel M. Stelzer
1 vote
"One primary tag along NPC." [+]"One primary tag along NPC." () --Floating Info...

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Flat Feet, by Joel Ray Holveck
1 vote
"Ralph is your..." [+]"Ralph is your sidekick." --David Welbourn...

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Splashdown, by Paul J. Furio
1 vote
"Robot named Spider." [+]"Robot named Spider." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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The Orion Agenda, by Ryan Weisenberger
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Ghalev...

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Necrotic Drift, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Robb Sherwin...

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Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz
1 vote
"Most of the game..." [+]"Most of the game involves collecting a growing gang of NPC sidekicks" () --Adam Biltcliffe...

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The Wizard Sniffer, by Buster Hudson
1 vote
"Charming cast, you have to love Tuck." [+]"Charming cast, you have to love Tuck." ( - Full review) --mg51...

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Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort, by Tiberius Thingamus
1 vote
"Thrug the Orc." [+]"Thrug the Orc." --DB...

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Threnody, by John "Doppler" Schiff
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --verityvirtue...

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What Happens in Vagueness, by Sam Kabo Ashwell, Tom Blawgus, N.B. Horvath, Justin Larue, Jacqueline A. Lott, Michael Martin, Carl Muckenhoupt, Marius Müller, Mark Musante, and Brian Rapp
1 vote
"Curb, your canine..." [+]"Curb, your canine companion, is possibly one of the more disgusting NPCs to ever follow you around." --David Welbourn...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):